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.:day 9:.

George laid in bed, hugging himself with dreams kizuki cloak- it's what he happen from dream... it made him feel special and safe.

He kept silent, sniffling every once in awhile... he missed Dream- he missed his family.

George didn't want to get up.. because if he did- all the memories he had in this place with Dream, would be gone.
"I miss you." He sighed.

He looked at the empty spot beside him, quickly frowning as he reached for the empty spot.. patting it down.

Before George could feel anymore upset- he was cut off by an individual.

"Well hello there, you are still alive."

"Hi.. Schlatt." George sighed, continuing to lay on the bed.
"Day 9 I'm guessing..?" He softly spoke.

"Of course, why do you think I'm here." Schlatt grinned, crossing his arms as he stared at George.
"I wouldn't be here other wise." He tilted his head.

George looked over his shoulder.. seeing the familiar Demon.
"Why do you want to kill me so bad Schlatt..." he mumbled softly.
"There's no reason too.. you can just let me and Dream live our lives."

Schlatt scrunched his nose.
"Because you're family line has been a pain up my ass for centuries." He said firmly.
"You are dangerous... I'm not giving you the chance to grow and learn that skill."

"I promise not to use it... I don't even know how to use my breathing skill." George just wanted to be with Dream.
"Please, just let me stay with dream." He mumbled.

"You realize that if I just give you back.. people will think I'm going soft." Schlatt cupped George's cheeks with one hand.
"If I let Dream take you, the others will attempt to kill me.. and if I die- Y'know who else dies?"

George faintly winced, trying to move his face away.

"Dream dies and so does every other demon you know.." Schlatt said in a firm tone, glancing out the window.
"Oh? We'd better hurry outside.. Dream should be here soon." He glared down at George.

George's gaze sorrowed..Why does all the bad things happen to him..?

"Maybe if I'm feeling nice.. I'll let you spend some time with Dream."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream quickly walked through the forest, flicking his wings out of stress.

He looked at his feathers.... George always loved his feathers- he thought they were nice.. even when everyone else hated them.

Dream continued walking fast.

"Dude, slow down!" Punz tried to keep up, looking at Dream with a worried look.
"It's still light out!" He moved his way around the light.
"I keep getting burned trying to keep up with you."

"I don't care." Dream used his cloak to block out the light.
"I need to get to George." He said firmly.
"There may be a chance I can reason with Schlatt."

"Well- if we want to kill.. him- we have to keep him in the sun." Punz crossed his arms, following dreams trail.
"And Y'know how hard that's going to be?" He grumbled.

"Not hard... unless- Y'know who's there." Dream looked ahead.. seeing the lights of the cabin.
"There's the cabin." He mumbled perking up.

Punz was about to speak but Dreams actions cut him off.

Dream perked up once he saw George in the distance get shoved out of the cabin and into the snow
"GEORGE!" He quickly ran ahead.

Punz soon followed.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now