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Dream waited outside- and soon after the brunette came out.. wearing a bunch of warm gear- except the cloak he gave him.
"Where is h- oh." He hummed- seeing George walk out.

"Dream...? Can you change into a blob??" George quickly cupped his hands, begging almost.

Dream sighed and changed into a blob, pouting a small bit cause he can't go.. this isn't fair.. it's cold outside.

George crouched to the ground, resting himself on his knees.
"Here, tilt your head up." He reached into his bag.

The blob looked confused as he glanced up at George- puzzle.

George pulled out a small tiny cloak and wrapped it around dream.
"I made you a tiny cloak for when your in your blob form" He giggled, having a happy look.

The blob quickly looked down at himself before back at George- giving him that- is this mine look-

"Yes dream, it's your to keep." George sat down, watching Dream happily look at him.
"I made it for you!" He smiled.

Dream made a squeak, beginning to run around in front of George- hopping as his cloak swayed around.

George's smile grew softly, seeing how happy dream was.
"I'm glad you like it..." he carefully picked the blob up, cupping him softly.
"You can stay in my pocket whilst we travel"

Dream hopped up and down in George's hands, having fun with his cloak- he love his cloak.

George brought him over to his chest, placing him a pocket.
"There you go" he nudged dreams cheek.. he acted like he need attention 24/7.
"You can sleep here."

Dream nuzzled him at the bottom of George's pocket, looking up at him- having that happy blob look.

"Cute." George turned and began his very... very long walk.
"Let's go." He picked up his blade and placed it on his belt.
"we have a long... long.. journey."


George walked through the snow, glancing around.
"God.. I've been walking awhile." He stretched, smiling softly.
"Right Dream? Dream..?"

Dream didn't respond.

George glanced down, seeing Dream wrapped in the cloak- asleep and lightly snoring.
"You lazy little blob." He lightly rubbed dreams cheek.
"You know that."

He smiled before looking up, continuing his walk.

George was happy- but still felt like an idiot for his actions.
"Me and Dream are happy." He smiled, continuing through the thick snow.

.: 4-5 hours later :.

George continued for a few more hours until he saw the lights of the village.
"Oh" He perked up- he was lost in daydream to realize how fast it took them to get here.
"Dream, we are here."

Dream soon peaked his head up, having the cloak block the sun.
"E." He squeaked, looking around.

George glanced over and saw a small cave.
"Here, let's go relax in the cave." He walked over, laying down in the cave.
"Alright..? Then we can sleep."

Dream stumbled out of George's pocket, falling down before landing on the ground.
"Ow.." he changed back, laying on the ground.
"Damn it."

George couldn't help but giggle.
"You idiot." He laid against a rock, humming.
"Your supposed to be a dangerous demon- not this..... but are you okay..?"

"I am a dangerous demon-" Dream groaned, laying on the ground.
"I am an evil dangerous demon.." he mumbled.
"But yes- I'm okay."

"So.. the floor beat you?" George cocked a brow, seeing Dream laying on the floor still.
"That's sad- but as long as your okay it's okay." He sighed, crouching down.

"Shut up." Dream lightly snapped, continuing to lay.
"It's not my fault the floor is rude."

"Alright, I'll go sit outside in the sun." George stood up and walked over into the sun, sitting on a broken tree stump now to far from the cave.
"You can lay in the cave whilst I sunbathe."

"THATS NOT FAIR." Dream turned over, seeing George in the sun.
"I can't go in the sun." He grumbled under his breath.
"Come back- please.. i want you to come back..."

"But the sun is so warm." George rested his chin In his hands, humming.
"I love the sun." He glanced up.

"But You love me more..?" Dream sat in the cave, frowning.
"More then the sun..? Even if I can't be as warm as the sun or go out in it..?.." he was confused- he didn't understand when George said he loved the sun.

"Mhm." George lightly chuckled, glancing at Dream... he knew how cheesy that was- but he didn't want Dream to be upset.
"I may say I love the sun, but I love the moon a lot more." He smiled, looking at Dream.
"Much more- as we get to spend time together."

Dream smiled as he understood what George meant, he was happy..
"Can you come hug me then..." he frowned.

"You big ass softy." George walked over sitting at the edge of the cave.
"Now you can hug me." He liked how soft and caring Dream is once your get past his cold demon self.
"I'm out of the sun."

Dream happily pulled George into a hug, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Finally." He pulled him down onto the ground, nuzzling him softly.

"You've changed a lot." George hugged around dreams neck.
"Your not that once highly tempered demon i once knew." He mumbled quietly.
"Your kind now.... Other then a week ago.."

Dream smiled- that was a perk for him.
"I'm sorry" he nodded.
"I wanted to be better- so I changed."

"Well, no matter how you change.. I'll always love you." George ruffled dreams hair, kissing his forehead soon after.
"Don't worry.." he smiled.

"Even if I can't go in the sun-" Dream looked over, seeing the pretty scenery... he's always wanted to go into the sun... but that's a luxury he will never get.

"Mhm.. I prefer spending time in the night." George yawned, looking up at Dream.
"It's much more pretty and I get to spend time with my favourite person." He rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"so don't worry."

Dream smiled, looking up at the blue clouded sky.
"I'll watch out whilst you sleep." He hummed, keeping him close.
"You need sleep... I'll protect."

George shuffled around, grabbing the bottom of dreams hoodie/ jacket.
"Mhm." He shuffled.

"What are you-" Dream was cut off when George slid under his hoodie, poking his head out through his neck hole.

"I'm cold so I'm laying right here..." George rested his head on dreams chest.
"Your my pillow." He glanced up, mumbling.

Dream scoffed, hugging George happily.
"I'll let you do this, just this once." He knew he was lying to himself... but still- he was guilty.

George gladly fell asleep- he was tired..
"Wake me up when it's night.." he slowly drifted to sleep.. yeah, this was the life.
"I hope to see you wake up."

"You will." Dream nuzzled George's head.

Total word count: 1252

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