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Dream gasped as he sat up.
"GEORGE?!" He looked around desperately once he woke up.

He stood up- quickly running around in search of George.... This was all his fault- George is gone... and might be in danger.

Dream gripped his hair as he collapsed onto the floor.
"Nononon-" he leaned onto the ground- panicking.

He began to tear up.... He failed- he wasn't watching George- George is gone..

Dream flicked out his wings and covered himself shamefully.... What was he gonna do.
"I'm so sorry..." he winced painfully.

After a few moments he heard shuffling- but didn't move.

"Helloooo-" Sapnap hummed walking in- instantly looking around at the messy place.
"Jesus Christ- what happened-" he soon saw Dream on the ground.
"Dream...? Are you dead?"

He quickly made his way next to Dream, nudging him.

"Dream- you good..?" Sapnap crouched next to dream.
"I followed after you once you left- you were just too fast to keep up with....Hey- are you crying..?"

"He took him Sapnap... he's gone." Dream gripped his head firmly, trying to keep his feelings in check.
"Schlatt found him-" he started panicking, choking on his words.
"And he took him...."

Sapnaps eyes widened.
"But- but- I was just here! He was safe!" He quickly looked around.
"I saw him earlier!"

Dream shook his head.
"I- I wasn't watching him when he went into the kitchen to get me tea-" he looked up at Sapnap.
"FUCK! What am I going to do?!"

"Did He say anything when he took George?!" Sapnap sat next to dream, nudging him for a response.
"Surely he did!"

"He said In 9 days time I can earn for him back at the cabin..... but I can't fight him- he's way to strong." Dream shook his head again.
"Unless we can get all the hashira to help me get him back..." he soon had an idea.
"All the hashira.."

"You mean you have to kill him...?" Sapnaps gaze softened.
"You know what happens if we do... right?" He mumbled.
"You know what happens.."

"We die... i know." Dream glanced back at Sapnap.
"But- if we can get bad to find a cure for us." He sat up straight.
"Or something to remove us from his control."

"Or something to at least cut ties with him- we can be free!" Sapnap soon grinned.
"Come on- we have to head back!" He stood up, holding his hand out.
"We need to be quick."

"We can't head to the cabin... or he will hurt George." Dream grabbed sapnaps hand.
"So be careful- im not taking any chances."

Sapnap nodded.
"Alright." He had to get Dream too sam and ponk.
"Let's hurry."

.: George POV :.

George fluttered his eyes awake.
"Ow..." he sat up, looking around.
"The cabin...? How did I-"

He knew the familiar room... this was the bed near the window.

George looked around.
"Dream...? Are you here." He rested his hand on his lap.


George felt his heart sink.
"Schlatt... where's Dream..?" He spoke in a soft tone.
"Why am I here..."

"He'll return in 9 days, for now- you stay in this cabin.. i don't have time to explain too someone like you." Schlatt hummed, walking across the room.
"One of the kizuki members will be watching you, I have some things to attend too."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now