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George faintly panicked.. until he felt- a feeling.
"Wait.." he carefully stood up, walking towards the door.

He knew Dream told him not too- but he had a feeling.

George carefully opened the door, peaking his head out.
"Hello..?" He saw the hooded figure- who the hell..?

They quickly turned.

"Oh my god- George!" Sam had a huge sigh of relief, quickly pulling George in for a hug.

"WHAT-" George was shocked as Sam hugged him.
"Your so fucking cold-" he felt the snow on him melt.
"Oh my god-"

"Language and what the HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" Sam looked up at George, grasping his arms and shaking him.

George was puzzled.
"What?" He tilted his head- he was confused.
"How did you get her-"

"Going all the way out here?! WITHOUT CONSULTING ME?!" Sam gave George a worried look.
"You know how worried I was?! I had no idea where the fuck you were going until I got a message saying two demon individuals were travelling this way!!"

"Well- how did you know that was us?" George anxiously chuckled- glancing back.
"It could have been any demons." He looked in the cabin before back at Dream.

"Who else has a smiley face mask with horns on it." Sam had an unimpressed look, slowly glaring at george.

"Err..." george tried to think of an accuse- yeah.. it's Dream.
"I don't know."

"We are heading back-" Sam nudged his head, letting go of george.
"I don't think it's a good idea here." He glanced back.
"We can come back when the situation it over in town."

"It's it cause what Happened in town-" George was cut off, standing on the porch.

"Yes- There's a demon going around killing people in town.. he has a green clo-" Sam cut himself off, slowly looking at George.
"A green cloak." He glared at George, scrunching his nose.

George anxiously bit his lip.
"Sorry- I'm suddenly feeling tired..." he slowly backed up, sliding into his house.
"I'm just gonna-"

Sam quickly passed George, walking into the main lobby.
"DREAM." He snapped, looking around the cabin.

There was no answer.

George expect that Dream was probably hiding when he realized it was his dad.
"He's not gonna come out." He hummed, shrugging.
"He doesn't want to get killed."

"If I promise not to hurt him, will he come out." Sam looked back at George, unimpressed.
"I need to scold the idiot before I BEAT HIS FUCKING ASS."

"Yeah." George nodded, looking over and seeing Dream hide under a stand in his blob form.
"He's just anxious." He could see him pouting under the desk.

"Dream- I promise if you come out, I won't do anything I just need to speak with you." Sam looked around, trying to spot Dream.
"Formally this time."

"You better keep that promise." Dream had his hands tucked in his pockets- leaning against the wall.
"And too be fair- I kept my promise and kept George safe."

"George- wait outside." Sam was probably going to scold Dream.
"Okay..?" He hummed.

"But I wanna be In this conversation too!" George frowned... he's always put to the side.

"Not this time George, please wait outside." Sam shook his head glancing at George.
"It won't be for long."

"okay.." George nodded, grabbing the cloak and walking outside.
"Just.. let me know when your done." He mumbled.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now