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George snuggled into the blanket, reaching for the blonde.
"Mmm... Dream...?" He rubbed his eyes, perking his head up.

It was just him in the bed- wow.

George had an unimpressed look.
"Weirdo." He yawned, flopping in the bed.

"Good morning love" Dream sat behind george on the bed, leaning over.
"How are you this morning" he hummed, rubbing George's hip.

George looked up at Dream, giggling softly.
"I had a feeling you were still in here" he smiled, turning over.
"Good morning"

Dream lightly chuckled, sitting up.
"We should train a bit- as that weird party we are invited too is in only a few days." He nudged George's side.

"I don't wanna train.." George whined, face planting in a pillow.
"I wanna sleep" his abdomen was sore.

"George. If you want to become stronger- you need to train" Dream rolled his eyes, looking down at George.
"Now wake up georgie." He lightly wheezed.

"Noooo" George pulled a pillow over his head,
Wincing faintly.
"Go away- I want to sleep." He mumbled.

Dream had an unimpressed look.
"Yep- I'm getting you out of bed." He grabbed George's waist, pulling him up.
"Come on."

"HEY!" George huffed, glaring over at Dream.
"That hurts-" he scrunched his nose.
"Put me down."

Dream threw him over his shoulder, holding him up.
"Cmon- your training now." He said firmly, carrying the brunette.

"Nooo! Your supposed to be an evil demon! Your not supposed to help me become a demon slayer!" George complained, laying limp on dreams shoulder.
"Your supposed to be mean and kill humans like meeee"

"Yeah, and I do." Dream licked the top of his fangs.
"But I also believe that you can get places as a part demon, demon slayer." He made his way out of the room.

"I want to sleep in!" George hit dreams back.
"Let me sleep in!" He didn't want to train- not at all.. it made him sore.

"No." Dream smirked, continuing to walk down the hall.
"I told Sam I'd train you- plus- he's coming to visit today.. we were sending messages back and forth most morning."

"WHAT" George perked up- about to fall off dreams shoulder- he wasn't ready.

"Mhm- he's coming to help with training." Dream carried George into an open spaces room- enough to train for them.
"So get ready."

"NO! NO!" George tried getting out of dreams grasp, but Dream sat him down.
"Fuckkkk- I'm not going to sleep for days!!" He huffed.

"Especially since we had sex last night" Dream had a proud look.

"Excuse me."

Dream felt his stomach drop... ah.. shit.
"Err.." he didn't want to turn around.

George's face burned red, realizing who that was.
"I'm going back to bed-" he quickly got up and quickly ran out the quickest door.

.: Dream and Sam POV :.

Dream didn't even want to turn around, he just kept his gaze across the room... shitttt.

"Dream." Sam said firmly.
"I better have not just heard you fucked my son." He sounded angry- and annoyed.

"Shittt." Dream turned around, having an anxious laugh.
"I- may have..?.. just a little bit..?" He pinched his fingers together.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now