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Puffy walked over, humming a soft tune.
"I'm sorry- but your going to Have to d-" she was cut off.

Dream hopped out of George's pocket, standing in front of puffy.
"Nonono- don't kill him!" He waved his arms faintly.
"He's good!"

Sam looked a little shock, wow- dream was actually defending him for once.

"Please- don't hurt him."
George quickly walked to Sam, standing next to him before turning around.
"Dream- don't let her."

Puffy cocked a brow before looking at the blonde.
"Why can I not kill him? He threatened you two, did he not?" She lowered her guns down.
"I am confused.."

"Oh! Nono! he did nothing wrong- he saved us! " Dream sighed, his wings lowering.. might as well introduce them- so puffy doesn't kill George's dad.
"This is Sam, George's dad, that's why you can't hurt him." He gave a worried look to puffy.

Sam looked at the demon, rather confused....who was this demon? And what is she doing..?

Puffy looked at the two before putting her guns away.
"I must apologize then for my actions" she bowed faintly, trying to show regards for her mistake.

"Err.. it's okay..?" Sam looked down at George.
"George. If you don't mind me asking.. who is this..?" He spoke semi firmly.

"Dreams mother- if I am correct" George looked over at Dream, tilting his head faintly.
"Right?" He hoped he was right.

Dream nodded, looking back at puffy with a soft look.
"Yes, she is." He crossed his arms, nodding.

"Oh-" Sam blinked- maybe the shinobi should return back to camp... they shouldn't be involved in this.
"You three should return back to town, tell ponk I'll catch up." He turned around.

"Err-" one of the shinobi stared at the two demons.. there supposed to kill them?
"Is that such a good idea sir- you might need-" they were cut off.

"Yes- I am fine, now return to town immediately." Sam pointed, huffing.
"That's an order, if I'm not back by sun down go get ponk and return back to headquarters."

The shinobi stared at one another but nodded, soon leaving.. they can't exactly disobey orders or they will get in trouble.

Sam turned back, blinking faintly,
"So-" he was quickly cut off.

"The names puffy." Puffy held her hand out, humming a soft tune.
"It's nice to meet you finally." Yet shes only knew he existed for a few hours.

"Sam." Sam hesitantly shook puffys hand back.
"Are you sure it's safe for you two out here, the suns rising quite fast now." He looked over at Dream.

Puffy glanced back at her son.
"Well, judging how Dream only has pants on.. and he can't make it too his little cave home.. he might make it to the cabin." She hummed, nudging her head.
"Unless he wants to stay and I can tell everyone one stories when you first became a demon."

"Oh? Like stories when they were little?" Sam faintly smiled.
"I may have a few of George when he was little." He nodded.

Dream blinked, puffing his wings out faintly.
"Then uh- I'ma just..." he was cut off by George.
"Were gonna just.. Err-"

"We're gonna go! You two have fun talking." George grabbed dreams hand, tugging him away.
"Cmon Dream!" He yanked him away.

Sam lightly chuckled, watching the two run off.

Puffy looked at the two as they ran away.
"This leaves plenty of time for me and Sam to talk to one another as we walk back." She turned, resting her hands on her hips.

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