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George walked out of the washroom, looking down at his outfit.
"This seems nice." He smiled.
"It's pretty."

He was wearing a large shirt and boxers... hopefully this is okay- and Dream wouldn't disapprove.

George walked down, looking over.
"Woah.. is this the bed..?" He made his way over to the corner bed.
"It's so pretty..."

(Pretend it's more nicer and fluffier pillows and blankets)

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(Pretend it's more nicer and fluffier pillows and blankets)

George flopped onto the bed, instantly engulfed by the softness.
"oh my.." he mumbled quietly.

After a few moments, he felt something grab the back of his thighs- pulling him down.

George quickly perked up, turning around.

"Boo." Dream chuckled, pulling himself over George.
"Did I scare you." He leaned over the brunette, holding George's thighs.

"No, just surprised me" George smiled, turning around.
"Is this the bed..?" He glanced out the window.
"It's so... soft"

"Mhm.. the windows are uv protected so no light cant burn me- and I'll be comfortable" Dream stretched, glancing at the window.
"Unless the windows open." He yawned, flopping next to george.
"Which id prefer you don't open.
(Go with the flow of UV windows)

George nodded, staring out the window.
"It's so pretty..." he mumbled, in awe of the snowy scenery... he never gets a view like this.

"Mhm." Dream didn't understand but just agreed anyway.
"It is pretty." He looked at George- humming softly.

George stared off...
"I've completely ruined my sleep schedule because of you." He yawned, smiling happily.
"You know that? You ruined it for me."

"Mm.. no, I don't think so." Dream laid on the bed, humming,
"You ruined it for me." He stretched his arms.
"Because I can't go in the sun! BECAUSE THE SUN IS STUPID."

"Pfft." George giggled, leaning on his side.
"The sun isn't stupid" he looked up at the ceiling.
"Maybe you are the stupid one."

"Mmm.. then your even dumber for loving me~" Dream quickly pulled George into his chest, kissing his cheek firmly.
"You know that"

George hummed, enjoying the firm kiss on his cheek.
"You should rest." He hugged Dream,
"I'll stay awake if you want to sleep."

"How can I sleep if I know there is a cutie right by my side." Dream rested his head on a pillow,  getting ready to get some rest.
"Hm..?" He rubbed George's side.

"Stop being so flirty." George tried pushing dreams face back.
"You should rest alright?" He slid out of the bed.
"You got us all the way here."

Dream groaned faintly.
"I don't want too." He reached for George, not being able to grab him.
"I wanna stay up- and I can stay up.. I'm a powerful demon... I have the choice to stay awake."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now