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Sam held his blade down, pointing down at the snow.
"Not too far from here is the cabin that Schlatt is staying at." He looked back.
"That's where George and Dream must be- but we need to focus on Schlatt."

Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose.
"This is a horrible idea." He grumbled under his breath.
"Y'know that? Fighting the fucking demon lord!"

Sam scrunched his nose.. why was he even here?

"it's our duty to protect the people wilbur." Niki took a step forward, smacking Wilbur at the back of his head.
"We are hashira... we have to do this." She spoke in a firm tone.
"If you're being a wuss you can go."

Wilbur glared back at Niki.
"I'm not being a wuss." He snapped back, crossing his arms.

Tommy laughed- he thought it was funny that Dream got called a wuss.

"Niki is correct wilbur, you are being a wuss." Phil spoke up, grasping the handle of his blade.
"We must defeat Schlatt immediately." He nodded.
"So we will fight by sams side until the very end."

Sam softly smile- but before they continued... everyone sensed a presence- a bad presence.

"A demon is near." Ponk spoke up, taking a step forward.
"Keep your guards up." He said firmly.

Everyone got ready, holding there swords out-glaring around.

Sam was about to attack but- this presence was familiar.. he knew who it was.
"Wait! lower your blades!" He turned, looking into the forest.
"They are friendly."

Everyone grew concerned.. what?!

"The fuck do you mean it's friendly?!" Wilbur looked around, trying to pin point directly where the demon was.

"Just fucking trust me." Sam snapped, glaring back at Wilbur.

Ponk soon relax, lowering his weapon... he trusts Sam.
"Alright." He softly smiled.

Wilbur grumbled.. soon lowering his weapon.

Sam soon looked forward.
"You can come over, we won't harm you." He walked over.
"I promise

After a few moments- that familiar demon walked out slowly.

"I'm here to help." She nodded, bowing faintly in respect.
"My apologies for scaring you're crew." She placed her hand on her chest.
"It's good to see you are unharmed sam."

"The same goes for you puffy." Sam placed his hand on his chest for respect.
"This is my crew." He glanced back.. might as well instantly introduce them.

Puffy looked around, seeing the concerned look, they probably didn't know who she was.
"My apologies... I am puffy." She introduced herself.
"I'm dreams mother."

"Demons have moms?" Tommy blinked, staring at puffy.
"What the fu-" he was cut off.

Ponk smacked the back of Tommy's head.
"That's rude." He whispered- soon looking back.

The blonde child grumbled before going silent.. so- he wasn't allowed to have any questions?!

"I'm here to help fight in your battle." Puffy wanted to end this once and for all.. she wanted peace.
"What has been become of the demons is not what I sighed up for." She kept a firm gaze.
"I don't approve of this anymore."

"Puffy, are you sure?" Sam didn't want puffy to get hurt.
"You might get hurt." He said firmly.
"It's dangerous fighting with us."

"Im a demon, I ain't no wuss." Puffy glared at Wilbur, scrunching her nose.
"Im willing to fight for what's right." She looked back at Sam.
"Dream and George need my help."

Wilbur's eye twitched out of anger... Tch.. stupid demon.

"You know what happens if we kill Schlatt.." Sam spoke in a calm tone, his gaze softening.
"Correct?" He knee puffy would die as well.

"I do... but if it means the love of my sons life surviving.. then so be it." Puffy held her hand out for a hand shake.
"Please let me fight by you're side." She smiled.

Sam nodded, shaking puffys hand.
"We need all the help we can get." He agreed.
"Of course."

"Then... do you mind if a friend joins our battle?" Puffy looked off in the distance, nudging her hand.
"She's on our side." She hummed.
"She will fight with us."

Sam looked over, seeing the other demon leaning against the tree... that's who that was.

"Her names hannah, she doesn't like the idea of working with hashira but she's willing too." Puffy spoke softly, looking back at Hannah.
"We just need to-"


Everyone jumped at the sudden loud noise.

Puffy jumped soon looking in another direction.
"Sapnap?" She slowly cocked a brow.
"What are you doing here?"

The hashira soon turned, seeing another demon.... Sapnap? What was he doing here???

"Sapnap?" Sam also looked shocked, turning to face Sapnap.
"What are you doing here?" He tilted his head.
"Shouldn't you be with Karl?"

Before Sapnap could respond- he was cut off.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOW MANY DEMONS DO YOU KNOW?!" Wilbur turned to Sam, speaking firmly.
"Are you like plotting too-" he was cut off as he was shoved.

"Quiet, this is important."
Sapnap pushed Wilbur out of the way, walking up to sam and puffy.
"Where's Dream and George?! Punz sent me a letter saying that Dream and George escaped- but dreams going to die by morning if Schlatt isn't killed.." he panted.

Wilbur looked offended.

"But he will die anyway if we kill him..?" Puffy spoke calmly, tilting her head.
"You know that." She furrowed her brows.

"Not if-" Sapnap walked up to puffy, grasping her arm.
"We use the antidote." He stabbed it into puffys arm- injecting it.
"We will no longer be bound to schlatt."

Puffy jumped, glancing at Hannah.
"Then- Hannah can get it too-" she was cut off.

Hannah waved her hand.
"No no.." she weakly smiled.
"I have someone waiting for me when this is done.... Don't worry."

Puffys gaze softened, soon smiling.
"Alright." She nodded, looking back.

Most the hashira stood in silence- confused weather or not if they should intervene.

"Why are you in look for Dream?" Sam spoke up, walking to Sapnap.
"Is it bad?" He hummed.

"He needs the antidote." Sapnap gripped the antidote.
"But I will be too late once I find him." He didn't know where Dream was.

Everyone thought for a few moments.

"I know where he is." Puffy spoke up, holding her hand out.
"I will give it too him..." she nodded.
"He's hiding"

The hashira watched as Sapnap placed the antidote in puffys hand.

"Get it too him fast." Sapnap nodded his head.
"Schlatt is weak right now... you all need to kill him." He said firmly.

Puffy nodded, holding it firmly.
"I will get it too him... but for now- you must kill Schlatt." She turned to Sam.

Sam gripped his sword...
"We will."

Total word count: 1111

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