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Dream slept peacefully.. only for a few mere moments until someone startled him... waking him up fairly quickly.

"Dream! You aren't dead!!"

Dream was startled awake, glancing over his shoulder.
"What..?" He rubbed his eyes- soon noticing the smaller blonde.
"Tommy? What are you-"

Tommy grinned, raising his arms.
"Big D isn't dead!!" He was extremely happy.
"He's alive! Thank god!"

He was glad his demon friend wasn't killed.. as he was technically one of his only friends out of the demon slayer corp.

Dream smiled, soon sitting up straight.
"Pfft- you think a little ick like Schlatt is gonna be able to kill me...?" He pushed his hair back.. trying to fully wake himself up.

".." Tommy stared at Dream for a few moments.
"Yeah." He said somewhat firmly.

"Then you are correct! Because he completely fucked me over." Dream let out a small chuckle, nodding.
"Sapnap and bad were able to save me." He placed his hand on his chest.
"Or other wise I would have been dead."

Tommy looked over, seeing George asleep.
"Did you and George have sex." He looked at Dream... furrowing his brows- he hoped they didn't.
"Why are you sleeping together."

"WHAT." Dreams face burned red- but before he said anything.. he was kicked off the bed.
"AC-" he fell to the ground.

"Mm.. no." George tiredly smiled, fluttering one eye open.
"We did not." He mumbled faintly.
"We were just sleeping... or at least I was trying too."

Tommy blinked.. unsure how he should feel about the situation.
"Okay.." he cocked a brow.

Dream groaned, leaning against the bed.
"Well then- what about that one ti-" he was cut off.

George firmly kicked the back of dreams head.
"SHUT IT." He snapped.
"We aren't talking about it in front of a child.. he's young."

Dream groaned, grabbing the back of his head.
"Owww..." he mumbled under his breath.
"Didn't need to kick so hard! That fucking hurt!"

Tommy had a traumatized look on his face.
"WILBURRR!" He soon ran away, not wanting to deal with that situation again.

George and Dream soon looked at each other.. soon bursting out into laughter.

"Really?!" George shook his head, looking down at Dream.
"He's a child!" He laughed.
"And you just had to tell him! It was one time!"

"And? It still happened! Besides! He's old enough to slay demons." Dream didn't care if he traumatized Tommy.
"So he's old enough to know." He smirked.
"Speaking of whi-"

"No" George said somewhat firmly, rolling his eyes.
"We aren't making it a second time." He said firmly.

"Damn." Dream pulled himself up, soon stretching his arms up.
"I'm guessing since Tommy's here, so is Sam and ponk." He looked over.

George quickly sat up straight.
"Then what are we waiting for!" He tried standing up- but he nearly fell over.

Dream quickly caught George, holding him up.
"Well- we were waiting for you to grain your strength back." He held George carefully.
"But if you want to see your family."

"I wanna see my family." George looked up at Dream, trying to stand on his own.
"Help me find them!" He smiled.

Dream softly nodded.
"Of course." He picked the brunette.
"Cause what would I be here for."

"A servant." George stuck his tongue out faintly.

"Shut up."


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