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Karl and George both awkwardly sat at the table, looking at each other... what were they supposed to do...?

Dream sat across from George, holding his cup of tea.
"Sorry for the sudden- I guess? Tea break..?" He happily hummed.
"I just had a talk with Sapnap."

George shrugged softly.
"I don't mind." He glanced over at the door.
"I'm just.. anxious..?"

"Why?" Dream tilted his head, humming faintly.
"Why are you anxious..!"

Before George spoke, the fire demon walked in- stretching his arms with an annoyed look.

"Him-" George mumbled quietly, taking a sip of tea.
"He makes me anxious." He mumbled under his breath.

Karl's face burned bright red as he stared at the table- this stupid fucking demon.
"Y-yeah." He mumbled, agreeing with George.
"I agree-"

Sapnap stretched his arms as he sat next to Dream.
"Huh.. when you said you wanted to have tea- I didn't think we were inviting the cuties along."

"Shut the fuck up." Dream glared over at Sapnap.
"I just wanted some tea is all." He spat.
"They are our guests!"

George glanced at Karl, frowning a little.
"You alright..?" He whispered quietly.
"You seem- upset..? More then usual."

Karl lightly shook, staring at the table.
"what makes you think this... is normal.." he whispered softly.
"Having tea- with a demon."

"Upper moon." Sapnap corrected, looking over at Karl.
"So watch your to-" he was cut off.

Dream firmly elbowed Sapnap in the gut.
"No, you don't get to be rude to them." He snapped, staring at Sapnap.
"They are our friends- and you will not treat them with disrespect."

George tried his best not to let out a snicker- taking a sip of his tea.
"Mhm." He smiled.

Sapnap grumbled, glaring at Dream.

"They are nice people.. you just need to give them at chance." Dream huffed looking down at his cup.
"Okay..? Don't be a dick to them."

"Yet there demon slayers?" Sapnap scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
"Don't think I don't know your dating a demon slayer now... they should respect u-"

"You can't say anything! You can't expect us not to be mad and be upset!" Karl finally snapped, straightening himself up.
"You kidnapped me! And expect me to respect you??? Your an idiot to think that! And you can't get mad about us becoming demon slayers! So we can get out of situations like this!" He looked at Sapnap with an upset look.
"So stop complaining."

Sapnap went quiet, looking down at the table.

Dream also went quiet- as he technically did the same thing towards george.

"Not you dream." Karl glanced at Dream.
"Your fine, your a good boyfriend for George." He pointed at Dream.
"You treat him well... I was talking about Sapnap."

George's face went a tad bit red, looking down at the ground.
"Mhm." He smiled, lightly nodding.

Dream had a happy smile- he has been trying his best... even if he was cold towards George in the beginning.
"I try my best." He looked over at George.

Sapnap glanced at Dream before back at the table.
"Let's just get this over with." He huffed, looking away.

George happily smiled to himself, looking down at his tea.
"Yeah." He hummed softly.

Dream glanced over at George before fully turning and facing the brunette.
"Pfft-"  he chuckled to himself, taking a sip of tea.

"You have some guts talking to a demon like that- yet you are so scared to swing a sword." Sapnap spoke up, looking over at Karl.
"You know that."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now