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Dream quickly threw his mask as soon as he walked into his home.
"Tch- the same... it's the same- it's the same." He repeated to himself.
"It's the same.."

He quickly walked towards his room.. gripping his forehead as he cussed to himself.

"Jesus dude.. you alright...?" Sapnap walked over, seeing how stressed Dream was.
"You threw your mask... did the party not go so well."

"George gave me that look..." Dream muttered quietly, looking forward.
"But now I'm planning on going up North for the year." He walked towards his room.

"Woah Woah... does George know about this??" Sapnap quickly walked after dream.
"Just because you have to do it, doesn't mean you should.." he stood next to him.

"George is part demon now- he lives forever like us.... I'll only be away for a yea-" Dream was cut off by Sapnap.

"At least talk to George about it first." Sapnap shook his head.
"A year is a long time for him and Karl... even if George is part demon- he might wanna go with you."

Dream clutched the wall, digging his nails into it.
"I'm a freak Sapnap." He glanced back.
"I tried listening to George and making friends, but i can't..."

Before Sapnap could speak, dreams attention turned behind him.

"Go stay with Karl for a bit." Dream heard something.. and he wanted to figure it out.
"Okay?" He glanced at Sapnap.

"Talk to George first about going north... it might help.. with his hole.. breathing issue." Sapnap walked off.

Dream quickly walked off- following the sound.

He followed it- all the way to the room him and George was in a few nights prior- what..?

Dream quietly opened the door, peaking his head in- seeing the brunette.. did he some how get past him..? Well... he did go get food on his way here.

.: George and Dream POV :.

George hugged a pillow as he began to silently cry.. he regrets everything that happen, he regrets going to the gathering.

"Why are you crying..?" Dream tilted his head, confused why the brunette was crying.

George looked over at Dream, only glancing.
"Can- can we cuddle... just for a little..?" He rubbed his eyes, trying to stop himself from crying.

Dream nodded as he walked in, closing the door behind him and locking it... yeah- he was letting Sapnap see George this upset.
"Of course." He took off his cloak and began taking off all his important gear, he didn't want to accidentally make them both uncomfortable with his gear.

George hugged his pillow tightly, trying to calm himself down.

Dream slid next to george, holding his arms out... hopefully this is what- cuddling? Is, he didn't know.

George let go of the pillow and hugged dreams tightly.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" he nuzzled dreams chest.

Dream had a confused look... why was he sorry.
"About what..?"

"The- party..." George sniffled, hugging Dream tightly.
"I- I got so scared that you were going to hurt him- then.. people surrounded us and started talking and I got really scared.. and I lost my words.." he shook his head, holding Dream tightly.
"I'm sorry."

Dream lightly hugged George back.
"It's okay- but I'd prefer you not give me that look." He pat the top of George's head.
"But I know- that's why I left... so no one would start harassing you if you came with me."

"I wanted to go with you..." George mumbled, clutching his shirt.
"But you left.." he rubbed his face in dreams chest.

"I'm sorry." Dream rested the top of his head on George's.
"I just couldn't stand being there.." he mumbled faintly.
"And I did want anything to happen"

"So you don't hate me..?" George glanced up faintly, rubbing his eye.

"No- I never did." Dream lightly chuckled, shaking his head.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to hate you..." he could never be mad at him.. or hate him for that matter.

George clutched onto Dream.
"I don't ever want to go to a party again- I hate people my age." He mumbled.
"I hate them.."

Dream had a happy smile- so no one can take George from him.
"It's okay.." he rubbed George's back, he did feel bad for smiling.

The two laid in comforting silence... they were glad to be happy.

But.. Dream did need to talk to George about going up north.

"I'm heading up north in a few hours, I'll be gone for a long time." Dream glanced down, he decided to put it straight forward.
"A very long time.." he spoke softly.

"How long???" George grew serious, looking up at Dream.
"A week or two..?" He frowned.

"About a year." Dream sighed.. George wasn't going to like that very much.
"Like I said.. awhile." He sighed.

"Can I come with you???" George held Dream tightly, not wanting to let him go.
"I don't want you gone that long." He mumbled.
"I can help-"

"I don't think so, not this time." Dream shook his head.
"As you do your training, I head to the mountains and do mine."

"when... are you .. going..?" George mumbled, rubbing his eyes... he didn't want Dream to go.

"Tonight." Dream glanced out the window, humming softly.
"I'm planning on leaving in an hour or so." He felt bad for leaving George.

George quickly sat up.
"That's not fair!" He shook his head, resting his hands on dreams chest.
"I don't want you to go! Please don't."

"I'm sorry George, I need too." Dream ruffled George's hair, smiling faintly...
"I have to train." He didn't understand very well.

"Please! Take me with you then! I can train too!" George tackled Dream into a tight hug.
"Please... I can benefit from it- and you promised to help train me..." he didn't want Dream to leave.

Dream grumbled.. he did promise.
"Fine, but you listen to every word I say, and I choose what you wear- okay?." He stood up, walking over too the closet.
"Got it?"

George was puzzled- why was Dream walking towards the closet.
"Dream?" He cocked a brow.

Dream opened the closet, pulling out a bunch of clothes.
"Get ready then, we are leaving then." He pulled out a bunch of warm clothing.

George happily gasped, but before he could pick some clothes- Dream handed him some.
"Huh?" He tilted his head.

"I'm sorry George- but I've been in those mountains and I want you staying warm while we are up there." Dream felt bad for choosing George's clothes, but he knew what it was Ike in the mountains.
"Put these on while I gather our things." He walked out of the room.

George shrugged, putting on the clothes Dream wanted him too.
"So soft.." he smiled.. these are comfortable!

After awhile Dream came back in, holding a duffel bag.. but what got George's attention was dreams large cloak.

"Woah!" George looked at Dream cloak.. it was big and thick with fancy designs on it.
"Nice cloak." He loved the cloak.

"We are gifted it from the higher up." Dream adjusted his fluff collar around his neck.
"Now, ready?" He adjusted his gloves.

"Yeah! I put everything on that you wanted me too!" George was.. very bundled up- he was hot.
"I'm ready to go!" He held up a paper.
"Can you send this to my dad."

"Mhm.. I'll meet you outside." Dream took the letter.

"I'll see you there!" George walked off.

Total word count: 1226

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now