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This lasted for about another 2 weeks- Dream never spoke-... or was there for half of it.

George was getting worried- mostly because when a week later passed when he had his last conversation with Dream.. then he disappeared.. and hasn't returned since then.


George sat near the window, resting his jaw on the window frame.... He was worried sick for Dream- he left while he was asleep and now he has no clue where he is- but.. he probably could guess what happened..

Sam walked in, holding a tray.
"I brought fruit." He made his way next to george.
"In case you were hungry..."

"Any sign of Dream.." George's gaze softened as he looked down.
"I miss him.." he mumbled to himself.
"He's been gone for a week.."

Sam shook his head, sitting down calmly.
"I haven't." He placed the tray in between them.
"Not since a week ago... do you think he's returning anytime soon..?"

George began to tear up for the first time in two weeks.
"He's not coming back." He stood up, dusting his arms off.
"I know that for a fact..."

"Surely he wi-" Sam was cut off.

"I know dream.... He's not." George sighed, realizing he isn't going to come back.
"He's not coming back..." he walked over to his gear.
"He won't come back- he is the type to refuse too."

Sam gaze softened, watching the brunette that was once excited every day for Dream to return.. slowly turned emotionless.
"George... he will come bac-"

"I'm just- I'm gonna head to dreams place and grab my warding mask." George turned over to Sam.
"I'll just get back to training once I return." Even though he was still injured, that's all he knows to do.

Sams eyes widened faintly- that was the first time he ever saw George instantly give up on hope.
"oh, alright." He stood up.
"If that's what you want..."

"I'll be back by sun down or tomorrow.." George put on his gear, adjusting it.
"Sorry.. I'm just not in a good mood right now." He lightly chuckled to himself.

Sam nodded.
"I can come with you." He offered to go with the brunette.

"It's fine... I'll go by myself." George sighed, he probably should go find Karl as well.
"I'll see if Karl is still out there... him and dreams friend were getting a long." He dusted himself off.

"Just... becareful."

.: George POV :. Outside .:. 30-40 minutes later.

George walked calmly along the forest path, keeping his gaze ahead as he walk.
"Oh.." He glanced around at all the birds and wildlife around him.. they were free and happy.

George smiled softly as he continued walking, hoping Dream wasn't there... as that was the last individual he wanted to see- as Dream probably didn't want to look at Him.
"I hope my mask is still there..." he mumbled.

While he was continuing down the path, making his way across the river... he heard- laughing- what..?

George peaked from around a tree- seeing 3 individuals under shade... laughing and having fun-... without him-





George frowned faintly, seeing the three having fun together... why did Dream leave him- he wouldn't have minded if he left to come back here, he would have just preferred that Dream told him.

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now