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WELL I MAY HAVE PROCRASTINATED A LITTLE BIT- because I didn't know what to write for this chapter.

So uh, my bad LOL


.: Day 8 until he has to meet with schlatt:.

Dream sat on a rock, resting his head in his hands shamefully.
"I'm going to fail." He mumbled to himself..
"And he's going to die... and it's all my fault."

He sat in silence for a few moments... soon beginning to tear up.

George was going to die.. for no reason-

He should have just let George go, let him live his life without him..

"FUCKK..." Dream leaned back, looking up at the sky- why.. why can't he be happy?
"I cant... do- anything" tears flooded his eyes..
"I can't save him- I can't protect him...."

He let out a small sigh, looking down at his feet- pathetic.

Dream continued trying to think how he was going to save them both... but- every alternative he thought of...

One of them would die.

Dream knew what he was going to do.. he was going to trade his life for George to survive, he can't die- he still needs to survive.
"I can't.. let him die." He sighed.

He was pathetic... sitting on a stupid rock- not being able to help the one he truly cares about.

"Are you still sulking out here, Jesus Christ."

Dream briefly looked over... seeing the one familiar that nearly killed.. and saved George's life.
"What do you want." He softly spoke.
"Shouldn't you be... celebrating Punz..?"

He knew all the Punz wanted to do was make him suffer... the same with every other demon he knows of.

Punz cocked a brow, tilting his head.
"And why's that?" He rested his hands on his hips.
"There's no reason for me too.. other then recently joining the kizuki."

"George is going to die and I'm going to be alone." Dreams gaze sorrowed.
"You should be so... thrilled." He faintly scoffed.
"Finally getting what you want."

"Why do you say that?" Punz faintly smiled.
"Hmm..?" He walked up to Dream.
"There's not much I'm getting."

"Because I'm going to suffer and be alone for fucking centuries, of course you'd be thrilled if he does! EVERYONE IS FUCKING THRILLED!" Dream stood up, holding his arms in the air.
"EVERYONE IS THRILLED THAT GEORHE IS GOING TO DIE AND THRY THINK IM A LAUGHING STOCK ASKING FOR HELP." He was stressed... Every person he though he could help either backed away or laughed at him.

Punz tilted his head to the side.
"And..? Isn't puffy and what's her face... the one with the rose helping..?" He was confused.
"I heard something that they are going to help"

"Pfft- you think they are going to really face Schlatt?" Dream laughed.... He was deprived of energy... stressing and sulking for days.
"Puffy is only making sure I don't die.. and Hannah doesn't give a single shit." He continued laughing.

"Well.." Punz faintly laughed.
"I'm here to help face him." He rested his hands on his hips.
"And I'm actually serious.. it's sad seeing you whine and complain."

Dream furrowed his brows, looking at Punz.
"Tch.." he gritted his teeth.

"And don't worry, I'm not doing it for you." Punz said firmly, resting his hands on his hips with a firm look.
"I'm doing it for George... he doesn't deserve to die... again at least." He scrunched his nose.
"He is my friend I guess you could say."

Dream was about to speak but was cut off by the other.

"Shouldn't you be eating humans to get stronger??" Punz furrowed his brows, tilting his head.
"Y'know? To fight Schlatt...? Or whatever you said you were going to do."

Dream stared at the ground, his gaze softening... he probably should have instead of stressing.
"I was too focused on other things.." he mumbled.
"I was stressing

"calm down then, you don't need to stress
So hard." Punz nudged dreams shoulder.
"Cause after all- Schlatt never said you had to kill him.. you just need to prove yourself." He smiled.

"He's going to kill George regardless.. you know that about Schlatt- he lies" Dream softly spoke.
"Something about georges ice breathing." He looked down.
"Since it's too dangerous for Schlatt."

Punz soon sighed... Dream was right, Schlatt was going too kill George regardless.
"Then- we should head to the cabin.." he smiled faintly.
"Maybe Schlatt will let you have one night..?"

Dreams gaze sorrowed.
"I wish.." he laughed..
"I wish...."

.: George POV :.

George wrapped himself in dreams kizuki cloak, staring out the window.
"Do you think he's going to come back." He smiled softly, looking back.
"I hope so!"

Puffy looked back at George, her gaze softening.
"Do you want me to be honest..?" She frowned.
"Because it's the harsh truth."

George's gaze soon sorrowed.. oh.
"Yes.." he frowned, looking back out the window.
"Please just be honest."

Puffy took a deep breath.
"He's going to come tomorrow night.. but- either you or he himself is going to die." She frowned.

George lightly nodded- he already knew.
"I know... I just- I want him to be happy once I'm gone." He interlocked his fingers together.
"I'll be the one to die."

"You're not going to be the one that's going to die." Puffy made her way next to george, taking a deep breath.
"You know that, correct..?" She sounded hurt and remorseful.
"Dream won't let that happen."

George began to tear up.
"I know." He gripped his hands.
"He doesn't deserve to die... I don't want him to die..... I can't.."

"He loves you George.. too much to let you just die when he knows that he can stop it." Puffy rested her hand on George's shoulder.
"Dream has been through many things..... he's lived his life, he still wants you to live to live your life." She spoke in a soft tone.

"But I won't live my life happily." George stared out at the snow.
"No one's cared for me as much as Dream has, he made sure I was cared for and loved for." He looked at puffy.
"It won't be the same."

"He will be here tomorrow night." Puffy pulled George into a hugged, resting her head on George's.
"He will do everything he can to save you." She smiled weakly.
"So will I and everyone else on you're side."

George felt his heart ache..
"I hope so..." he wanted him and Dream to live happily together.

But- he knew that wasn't going to be the case.

One of them was going to die.

Total word count: 1198

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now