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Y'know, this story ain't complete without more angst.

George walked along the stalls, looking at all the different fruits and spices.
"Wow.." he gasped.
"So many too choose from!!"

Dream followed anxiously, covering himself with his cloak.
"Let's grab what we need a leave." He looked around.
"I don't trust this place- it is not safe for you or Karl."

George turned to dream, patting his cheek softly.
"It's okay, there will be no demons but you or Sapnap." He whispered.
"Where is Sapnap by the way..? I haven't seen him."

Dream pointed over to the shade.
"In his little form." He mumbled, speaking quietly.
"He's over there with Karl."

George looked over, seeing Karl hold a small blob with horns and a bandana.
"That's cute, he's so small." He lightly chuckled.
"And has little horns."

Dream huffed, silently scoffing as he looked away.
"Whatever." He mumbled.

"I prefer you as a blob more." George lightly pinched dreams cheek- kissing him soon after.
"Once we are done we can go home and cuddle, read a book together."

"We might have to move upstairs then cause Sapnap and Karl probably want downstairs to themselves." Dreams smile softly grew, hiding himself in the shade.
"I'll gather food, I have some money." He reached into his bag, pulling out a small pouch of money.

George was surprised as Dream handed him the pouch.
"This is your mon-" he was cut off.

"George." Dream shushed the brunette.
"I have money, go buy what you want." He ruffled the brunettes hair.
"Now, go get what you need- I'll get some basics.. alright?"

George quickly placed a kiss on dreams cheek.
"Your the best." He smiled, looking under the cloak at dreams face.
"Thank you."

Dream lightly scoffed.
"Just stay in the light- then you will be fine.. don't leave the road." He looked down the road.

"I won't!" George slowly wandered off.
"I love you!" He lightly waved, humming.

Dream blinked before he smiled.
"I love you too." He watched George wander up too a booth.
"Be careful."

He didn't want to tell George- but he was gonna carefully keep and eye on him.. just a little.

"Hey! Dream!"

Dream perked up, glancing over at Karl.
"Yes?" He tilted his head, having a confused glance.
"What is it? Did something happen..?"

"Doesn't Sapnap look cute with a bow on his head!" Karl held up the dark grey blob- having faint red horns on it.
"It's a purple bow!" He giggled.

Dream blinked.
"I have to go watch-" he turned, instantly losing track of George.
"George... fuck.... I have to go find him now."

He quickly walked into one of the alleyways, planning on making his way too the roof and looking down.

.: George POV :. 20 minutes later.

George adjusted his satchel, glancing around the stalls...
"Wow! So many pretty things here!" He stared at the different kinds of jewellery.

He was being mindful of dreams money and only getting what they needed- which wasn't much, just enough for him and Karl to eat since Sapnap and Dream probably are killing others right now.

George looked around- I wonder where everyone went.
"I'll find them eventually, he's probably finding food too." He turned around, beginning to walk back.
"I hope Karl doesn't mind this stuff... I tried my best to find us good things too eat."

.: A Demons Servent :. Demon slayer au.Where stories live. Discover now