Red like flames that fill my dreams

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A/N grammar edits. Bonus short!

There it was. The usual nightmare, the usual place. Surrounded by raging flames. The one true thing she was scared of, her little Pyro gem sitting in the middle of it all with the ten year old version of herself. No matter how much she punched the invisible barrier in front of her, or screamed for someone to help she couldn't save them. She. Was. Powerless. And before the young girls died she awakened to her body covered in sweat. After carefully checking her ba-ruby! After carefully checking ruby for burns, she appeared all right "Thank the gods!" She said. Her sweat covered head hiding her tear stricken face, not that she would ever admit to crying. She started to hum and sing to the little Pyro gem who started to stir. "Shhh. Red like flames that fill my dreams. Burning me in fire suffering. Warmth like sunshine soft and sweet. Found me one day saving me." After singing for a little while longer, they found comfort and sleep in each other's arms with smiles on thier faces.

Cinder pov next morning

After her birthday night, she went down to eat with roman and neo. "So get a good night's sleep?" Cinder asked unsure how exactly to speak to a friend. "Oh yeah real fun sleeping on the floor, while a 6 year old gets the bed!" Neo signed [and a half!] Roman replied "Okay yes and a half!" The little girl in her carrier just giggled. [i know! Roman is a stinky meanie! you're alright kid!] Signed neo rather liking the idea of someone agreeing with her all the time. At that cinder smirked [she obviously said that i was beautiful today but nice try] Signed cinder. While roman just looked confused at why a giggle could mean all that. "Women are weird!" Ruby replied making a random noise "rrrrrmmmnnn." Then he pointed and said "Did you hear that she just said roman! Ha ha! You're alright kid!" Said roman rather liking the idea of the girl respecting him.

Both girls just looked at each other and signed simultaneously [[she obviously said, rrrrrmmmnnn.]] Both silently agreeing that a baby just couldn't say roman. A few minutes after breakfast roman was carrying ruby's vest while cinder was holding hands with neo, "We are going to the bathhouse, take ruby with you to get supplies, and teach her about being thrifty. And be careful with her!" The or else was implied. "Don't worry we've got this! The world famous roman torchwick!" He said while not being famous at all "And ruby fall! Will not fail!" He then saluted with one hand and used his other to salute for ruby!" 'Gah sooo cute' both women thought simultaneously.

Roman&ruby pov

"Oh yeah this place will do nicely! Am i right kiddo!" All he got was a squeal "ahhhh!" He smiled while rubbing her fuzzy head and said "I know! It's like it was made for us!" He then proceeded into the shop simply called, hats cigars&capes.
After entering he met the two shopkeepers named, Kerry and Miles. "Hello good sir, oh! and little miss! What can we do for you!" Roman then said "I'm looking for a hat and smoking jacket. And maybe a red cloak with orange trim if you have it." The shopkeepers smiled and said "We have just the set for you!"

He then produced a fine white jacket, with tailor-made bowler hat paired with it a red cloak and a box of jauqe schnees brand of cigars. 'Not that he has ever smoked'em before' thought roman with an eye roll "15.000 lein for the bundle." He almost choked '15k! That's more money than i've ever seen i've only got 750 lein for the supplies the four of us need.' He then said "Oh. That's a bit too much for us i'm afraid. Good day gentlemen." Ruby looked up at him and made a sad sniffle. "Sir i do know how you could make more money fast, if you don't mind gambling that is." He turned back around and asked "What's the buy in?" The clerk replied "750 and that's what you bet with, it's a mistral hold'em tournament against those ahem... folks from menagerie. Finals have a chance at 50k in winnings!" He looked into ruby's upturned gaze and confidently said "Hold on to those items boy's daddy's got a card game to win!"

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