An illusory fang. A real difference

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A/N quick story fix

NBER pov

The girls were excited. Why? Because they were going to help their new friend beat something called discrimination today! Said new friend Blake was excited because three human girls wanted to not only help, but be her friends and a team! "How does my sign look blake?" Asked emerald. It was a white sign that reads (fair wages for faunus and women!) Emerald then continued. "I figured i could help human girls as well as faunus!" Blake smiled and said "Holy cow! That's super thoughtful of you em!" Neo then typed (what about mine?) It was a sign that reads (support the white fang! Spread the love!) Neo then typed. (Not as forward thinking as em, but i think it can get the message across)

Blake nodded, while holding ruby in her lap. The little girl seemed to be really attached to her new friend. "Mine and ruby's signs are a pair, ain't that right ruby?" The girl in question said "Kity! Hee hee." Then Blake smiled. Never getting tired of the girls blinding innocent nature. "That's right ruby! I'm a kitty! Good job!" Ruby hugged the girl warmly in response. "But ours say. If we can see the difference, and move past it. Then so can you!" Ruby had the (then so can you!) While blake had the (if we can see the difference and move past it)

Technically blake would only hold one while ruby was in a stroller, that would hold the other. But beggars can't be chosers thought the team.

Cinder and kali pov

"Thank you for your help with all of this miss fall. We faunus don't often meet kind humans in vale." Cinder then informed her. "My friend shasta leo is a faunus who wanted this mission, but she's the only faunus of the school year. And her brother is a human, who treats her like dirt. It makes me sick." Kali only shrugged and said. "Unfortunately that's just life outside of our homeland. We can only try and fix it ourselves. At least for our kids." That was something cinder could agree with, this world needs fixing. "Cheers to that. But how did a nice girl like you get into all this organizing business?" Cinder asked while taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh my oaf of a husband decided the best way to help the white fang, was to play in a high stakes hold'em tournament, against the schnee dust company." This caused cinder to choke on her soda. "With our two year old present! We lost most of our money to some ratty looking ginger. If not for me cooking the books this wouldn't be possible." Cinder looked at her and said. "Uh would you happen to know the name... Torchwick?" Kali eyes went wide. "Yes that's the one! The ginger boy with the baby's name was torchwick! How did you kno-" before she could finish though. "Hello firework, heard my name and came running. Hi roman torchwick, nice to meet a lovely lady like you miss belladonna."

Kali then calmy said. "You have got to be kidding me..." cinder then replied. "Unfortunately not my idiot partner also gambled with a baby present." Kali said "My gods, what a coincidence, that we both learned our men can't be trusted with our money." Roman looked confused. "Um, what's up firework?" Cinder informed him "This is the wife of the man you beat, in that damn hold'em tournament." Roman went pale, he took his hat in his hands and said. "I'm sorry ma'am, but i needed to get my friend and our kids to vale. If i had to... unfortunately i'd do it again."

Kali said "Well, i can't hold it against some teen parents who wanted the money for the same reasons i did. Who knows maybe it was fate that brought us back together." Cinder then replied. "I don't believe in fate or destiny. But your husband's mistake let me feed my daughter. So i'll give this my all." Roman added. "So shall i, on my name as torchwick!" Kali smiled and said "I look forward to working with you guys today."

NBER pov the protest

The girls were nervous. There was a huge turnout, and the mean looking police were watching them like they were committing crimes. "Hey blake? Why do the police look so mean? Aren't they supposed to help people too?" Blake informed the three sisters. "The police usually don't like the faunus. They treat us like criminals." Neo typed. (why?) Then blake explained. "Well you see, there's this mean family called schnee. And aside from their funny name, they mine and manufactur dust. But they are super rich, and hate faunus. So the people who they pay..." Emerald then finished. "Hate the faunus too?"

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