the winds still, and the cold chills

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Roman&Ruby pov

"Did you get it daddy?" Roman hung up his scroll with a smile on his face. "Who do ya think i am? Of course we got it!" He briefly flashed the money they got from goodwitch displayed on his scroll screen. She ran and hugged him and said. "Hahaha! We're gonna school those mean schnees!" He scooped up his youngest daughter in her favorite way and sat her on his shoulders, he grinned while handing her his hat and he said. "How about we recruit some back-up?" Ruby looked down at him while she had his hat on 'that's a good look for her' he thought, and then she asked. "Who were you thinking?" At that he smiled his most devilishly charming devil may care smile.

"""[We are in!]"""
He smiled at his wonderful little pawns in this wild chess game he would have to play with jauqe schnee. He handed them all their individual missions as well as their duo missions. "Ooooh! Hey ruby our duo mission is called Black flaming rose's in bloom! How cool does that sound!?" Ruby squealed with delight and replied. "Man we are soooo coool!" Emerald read her duo mission expecting to be paired up with neo but was completely caught off guard by who she had. [what's wrong em?]

She looked up and said. "I'm paired up with dad?" Roman casually walked over and knelt down, there he said. "We don't have a lot of bonding moments and as a parent i need to fix that, but for now you and me play a huge role in this mission. Can i count on you sweetie?" Emerald looked shocked at the first real emotional acknowledgement of her from him. She nodded and said. "Of course! But... why that duo name?" He grinned and said. "Counterfeit snow? Oh that's because sometimes Counterfeit is just as valuable as the real deal. And snow, because we're so charming we could sell these people ice and snow."

That made the rest of team NVEBR high five and giggle at just how Roman, he could be.

Cinder pov: team CHAR lunch

"Okay, look. I'm sorry i said those things, and i hope we can move past it as a team. So what do you say?" Cinder was surprised by Heather's statement. "Yeah, we kinda acted like children and. We want your forgiveness." Said alice. "Okay. But don't let it happen again. I don't give third chances." At cinders statement all three shared a brief hug. Roman added. "Awww, ain't that sweet." Heather rolled her eyes then said. "Hey did you hear that the betting system is being removed this year due to controversy?" Cinder looked briefly surprised at that. Roman choked on his coffee and was in distress. Cinder said "Oh?" Alice replied. "Yeah, i hear that the headmaster didn't want some staff members betting on you because it would promote favoritism."

Cinder was surprised and a little irate at the fact that professor ozpin would deny her the chance to be supported by her teachers and friends at beacon or the white fang. "It don't matter, i'm going to win anyway." Both heather and alice said. ""Woah go mama ursai!"" Cinder rolled her eyes and mentally prepared herself for the upcoming fights she would beat in order to get to winter. "Hey you okay roman?" He was wheezing and sweating but waved them off coughing out. "!"

Roman pov

(Bad news the headmaster took away our chances to bet on cinder!!!) Team NVEBR typed back.
(no!)-blake (that jerk!)-velvet (what do we do now!?!?!)-emerald (what are we gonna do daddy!?!)-ruby but the answer came from the little team leader. (We steal from the rich, and give to the poor! Operation Robin hood starts now!)-neo

Roman debated on telling them not to steal, but the one thing he did his whole life was rob fools like the schnees, and he had two illusion masters on his side for this, and they had the element of surprise. (Okay team NVEBR, if we do this you follow my lead and my every last instruction. Got it?) They all typed various forms of agreement and he got to work formulating a plan 'heh, just like old times' he then ran on back to the crews hideout, he would need to guide them in a very hands on way for this to work.

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