Embers burn bright. A flame to behold

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A/N edit because blake doesn't have a tail *face palm*

Team NBER pov

"""[Happy birthday]""" The family shouted bringing not one, but two cakes out. "Hope you didn't think we forgot about you emerald! Both my big girls are one year older!" Ruby and blake gave each of them their presents. "Hope you don't mind but me and ruby got you guys a pair of presents." Neo and em opened them. Inside were training books and staves tailored to each girls style. The pair hugged their teammates.

Ruby&Blake pov

After the party neo and em went training with their stuff, while ruby and blake had a different kinda training in mind. "Tag you're it!" Yes they were playing tag, but they were using their semblanceses to enhance speed and dodging. Making them appear as an after image of a five year old faunus and a fiery cloud of roses, to bystanders. But oddly enough they were pretty close in spectacle to cinder and winter's fight. A true dance of dodging and countering. But after a while.

"Oof! Oh i'm sorry!" Ruby hit a bigger kid who was out walking. "Hey watch where you're going you dolt!" Blake ran up and helped ruby up. "Hey she said sorry, we were just messing around. Here!" After helping ruby up blake extended her hand to help the girl. "Ugh put that filthy paw away!" That's when blake noted the white hair, the blue dress that was tailored to a five year old. The stuck up attitude, and the derogatory term about blake's heritage.

"Oh you're a schnee! Like the cheater mama fought!" Said ruby making the connection as well. "Excuse me!" The little girl said angrily. "What did you say about my big sister!" Ruby backed up a bit intimidated by the bigger girl. "She said your prissy sister cheated, because my friends mom was gonna beat her." The white haired girl turned to blake. "Oh please that was a tie up till my sister kicked that peasants butt!" Blake replied smirking. "Oh over 70% vs 29% is a tie man, me and ruby must have been taught the wrong math then."

The little heiress grew angrier at that comment. "Oh yeah? Excuse me miss!" The white haired girl smirked confidently at the adult coming her way. "Yes what's the problem miss?" Then she said. "This faunus and this girl were bullying me!" Blake said. "Um, listen miss-" Then the white haired girl cut her off. "She and this girl clearly don't belong on a prestigious school such as this. Remove them please." The older adult that she flaged down just said. "Oh? Is that so miss schnee?" The schnee heiress nodded confidently. "Yes i wish to walk these grounds, without the common riff-raff bumbling about."

The adult then said. "Ruby is this girl telling the truth?" Ruby shook her head. "No miss glynda, we bumped into her playing tag and she called blake a filthy animal!" Glynda looked at blake. "It's true headmistress, she was being mean, saying miss cinder was a peasant who was tied until winter cheated." That miffed glynda a bit. "You see miss schnee these girls were given permission to play here, as they live here. You don't have that permission. And as an aside, cinder fall is the best student to grace these grounds in years and had it been a semblance battle your poor sister wouldn't have known what hit her." The schnee looked shocked. "Wha? How dare you! Do you know who i am!" Glynda coldly replied. "A little girl who has no power here. Now come along girls, i"ll let you play in my office instead. Don't worry miss schnee your father will here of this, now please enjoy the outdoors your highness." Glynda finished with a mock curtsy.

After leaving a shocked schnee behind. Blake exclaimed. "Holy cow miss goodwitch! That was awesome!" Ruby said. "Did you mean what you said about mama?" Glynda looked at them, with a quiet confidence. "Of course miss fall, your mother is a great student. We may not see eye to eye but, she could certainly replace me one day. And thank you miss belladonna, it's always a pleasure to help those in honest need of it."

"Speaking of helping those in need." Said glynda as she opened the doors revealing the family of bunny faunus. "I believe they have something to say to you miss fall and belladonna." The little girl stepped forward. "My parents were rude miss fall, and i know i'm not them but i wanted to apologize." The father stepped up. "We didn't realize the determination your mother fought with, or how she knew Mrs belladonna. So i'm sorry." Then the mother. "We received a phone call from Mrs belladonna. Saying that you two were inseparable best friends. And while it still bothers me that miss blake is friends with you. I'm sorry for reacting the way i did."

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