A fool's errand. A lovely host

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A/N slight edit

Ruby pov boat trip to menagerie

"Oh! Daddy! I got one!" Roman ran over excitedly. "Okay good job! Now reel it in, but be sure to give it some slack." So ruby did just that. "Nnngghh, daddy it's really strong!" He put his hands on her shoulders. "Listen firecracker, he's just a dumb mean fish. You've got this." She started making progress. "There ya go! Now give it one big yank! Imagine it's winter schnee, and she just said your mama was stupid!" Ruby then started vibrating and with a burst of fire and rose petals. "Hi-yah!" She used her semblance, to amplify her speed vibrating her arm's thus gaining enough friction, too use a fire burst from her arm's, giving enough force too yank the fish aboard. "Woah!" Said roman ducking as the fish soared into the wall behind him, with a *splat!* he went and peeled the now dead, thankfully intact fish off the wall. "Daddy i did it!"

A crowd of other faunus returning home, fishing and relaxing by the side of the small cruise ship started a large round of applause. Roman held the fish out in front of ruby, and said. "Kiddo! This fish is as big as you are! You just nabbed the grand prize of fish!" The crowd cheered even louder at that. "Come on daddy! Let's catch some more, and make everyone a yummy dinner!" He smiled his torchwick smile, saying. "Oh yeah? Let's do it!"

When cinder, alice, heather, and neo and em came back to see what was all the ruckus, they were met with a unique sight. Roman stood there holding ruby on his shoulders, roman had buckets  of fish, and said. "Dinner is on us! Thanks to my daughter and me you all get prime fish tonight!" The crowd of faunus cheered loudly. "And don't forget to support the white fang in peaceful protesting, please come out and join if you're near one!" Spoke the little ruby holding out a white fang flag, that was blowing in the wind beautifully. *Flash* ruby looked over at the flash and couldn't believe who it was. "Velvet! Is that you!?" The bunny girl looked shocked exclaiming. "Ruby!"

Roman smiled a truly kind smile and said to his (totally not favorite)daughter. "Go ahead kiddo i'll make the food, join me when ya can. Go play." She flew off of Roman in a cloud of fire and roses, leaving him covered in soot. Landed at velvets feet and said. "Wow it's been a few years, how are you!" The 8 year old bunny faunus replied. "Great actually, my daddy is working on being nicer to humans because of you and your mum!" Ruby smiled. "Nice! That's exactly what i told blake. One person at a time is difference enough!" Ruby then asked. "But why did you take my picture? I didn't even say cheese?" Velvet replied. "Oh i'm sorry! I wanted to help you and blake send a peaceful message, but my mum didn't want me protesting. So instead i started taking pictures of good people helping faunus. I thought maybe at least little kids like us would see the pictures and be nicer to faunus, what do you think?"

Ruby beamed. "Holy guacamole! That's an amazing idea! Way to go velvet!" The rabbit blushed embarrassed at the praise. "Not as amazing as taking on four big jerks and winning. Seriously you are definitely like miss cinder was when she fought that no good schnee!" Ruby smiled hugely. "Thank you! My mama is my hero!" Velvet said. "Is that your dad?" Ruby turned to see roman, pinching salt over fish in sunglasses and a weird pose, surrounded by women staring at him. "Yep that's my daddy, he used to say not to call him that. But he must be very proud of me because he let's me call him that now, with only a roll of his eyes!" Velvet looked confused. "He doesn't like you calling him daddy? Why?" Ruby just giggled saying. "Daddy's just silly. Mama said that he felt old when i called him that, but she said i should ware him down over time and beat him because he's a big softy. Whatever that means."

Velvet giggled saying. "He was very proud when boasting about how great you were just now. And he did teach you where boys hide their jewls!" Ruby nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah he's weird but i love him. What are you doing on this boat? Where are your parents?" Velvet looked down saying. "My mum and daddy are having lot's of fights so they're sending me away to live on my own for a little while. At least that's what they told me. They said vacuo should've made me tough." Ruby looked shocked. "They sent you all alone!? Do you have a strong semblance or something?" She shook her head. "Nope, unfortunately no semblance yet. My mum was saying that it was my daddy's fault for not having one." Ruby them proclaimed. "As an honorary member of the white fang, i shall stay with you until you safely return home!"

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