Couldn't take it. Couldn't stand another minute

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Roman pov

Roman was running like the wind, holding his daughter tightly. "Daddy?" He heard ruby croak out, in a raspy voice. "H-hey firecracker, just relax i'm going to save your team. And mama is fighting the jerk who hurt you." Ruby was crying hard, and said. "Daddy my legs hurt!" Roman wanted to weep for ruby, but he had a mission to accomplish. "Don't think about it kiddo. I'm going to make everything better once we get back ok, even if i have to work the rest of my life for it. I will get you your legs back." She quietly passed out in his arms again.

He then heard sounds of combat. "Kids! Get down!" The two faunus girls ducked as he fired a fire dust flare. It went off with a mighty *BOOM!* and killed the grimm infected faunus, making him look really heroic with ruby still in his arms. "Way to go ruby!" Shouted velvet. "We knew you could do it!" Shouted blake. And then after the smoke cleared, they saw how bad ruby looked. ""RUBY!"" Shouted the pair as they ran over to roman. "Oh my gods! Where are your legs!!!" Screamed blake, while crying and panicking. "She lost them saving cinder, we need to regroup with neo and emerald. Now!"

The three then sprinted towards the village entrance, blake asked. "Is she gonna be alright!?" Roman replied. "Ha! This little firecracker? She's stronger then even cinder. So she's going to be just fine, she's just going to need some help from team NVEBR to recover." Just then a massive explosion went off where cinder was fighting. 'please be winning cinder, i'll do anything you want if you kill that thing'

After more running they heard. "Why won't you things just die!" It was emerald, looking winded and worse for wear. Neo was clearly keeping them both alive even though she looked just as worn out. "Girls!" They both snapped to attention at romans voice. Roman then ran towards the girls, and snapped his cane around. Hitting three grimm, then sweeping his cane low and tripping a group of the creatures.

The kids were clearly in awe at romans skill at fighting while protecting ruby being held in his left arm. "We've got your back!" Said velvet as she and blake jumped in the fight. "Form up girls! Ruby needs us!" Ordered roman.
"Oh my god! Ruby!!!" Screamed emerald just now seeing the state the girl was in. "What happened!?" Asked the green haired girl, in obvious panic.

"She saved her mom, and lost her legs. She needs a doctor, so we need to beat these things and leave!" No one noticed the pink and brown haired girl, who looked ready to cry. She grabbed her injured little sister and broke down in tears. But drew her sword and signed. [i'll protect her. you guys fight!] Roman nodded in understanding and said. "You heard your captain girls! Let's dance!"

The group then charged the horde while neo was guarding her young teammate and sister.

Cinder pov

"DIE!" Screamed the ghost rider, as she whipped the giant machine creature into the rock wall. "You seem to possess undocumented abilities. Chances of your defeat have drastically lowered." In response to that statement the ghost rider grabbed the giants arm, and tore it off. Screaming. "YOU WILL FEEL HELLFIRE!" She then made an omnidirectional hellfire blast, and it severally damaged the giant. "Mission failure imminent. Self destruction engaged goodbye."

"WHAT!? DON'T YOU DARE!" But the machine answered with a screen that showcased a fancy looking W. And blew up with a mighty *BOOM!* "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL KILL YOUR MAKER RAHHHHH!" Screamed the ghost rider as she lost her prey to it's own self destruction. She then conjured a ride, making a motorcycle. "TIME TO... save my kids!" Said the spirit Transforming back into cinder fall.

"Huh?" Said the woman. She now had a mix of her ghost rider traits, and her human traits namely glowing fire running through her veins, and literal fire for eyes. 'THERE IS NO TIME, YOUNG MOTHER. SAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND WE SHALL COMMUNICATE LATER. MAKE HASTE!' The voice in her head urged her and so she did as it ordered.

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