a mother's story. a daughters story

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A/N Fixed the user name of one of the artists for convenience of following them.

Cinder pov

Her moment of relief was a golden one. If someone were to ask cinder of her happiest memories... well this wouldn't be it, but it would be top ten for sure! After all, how could her happiest memory not be of her and ruby spending their first night together as family. Second would be ruby telling her that besides not being biologically related that she was indeed ruby's mother no if's and's or butt's about it. Third would be neo hugging her and accepting her in the van after she murdered all those bandits. Etc. Etc.

"Now where is my little pyro gem!" Said cinder who then began racing through the coliseum to find her daughter, with a bright and cheerful demeanor that was very out of place for cinder fall. And even her friends or teachers would testify too that fact. But none of that mattered, for the only thing that mattered in this moment was ruby. While she obviously had bonds with the others she was very clearly obsessed with her first daughter. Most attributed this to ruby being the youngest and the baby of the group. However she was the most emotionally impact full thing in cinder falls life. And emerald and neopolitan would never hold that against the young woman who to them was so full of maternal love and kindness. As well as deep pain and sadness that they wished could be healed, the medication they hoped, would be ruby.

As she ran and ran wishing that she had her daughter's speed semblance she finally found the girls after about fifteen minutes of searching. Her pyro gem was about to receive a huge surprise.

Ruby Neo and Blake pov

Ruby sat there with her sisters, but not quietly. Oh no they weren't quiet. ""[MOM WON!]"" And the other two screamed. ""MISS CINDER WON!"" The excitement had team NVEBR jumping with joy. After all cinder fall had just scored a massive victory for the faunus against a schnee. Ruby ran up to blake and said. "Blake! Can you believe it! Mama won!" Blake encapsulated the smaller girl in a warm and calming hug and said. "I know i'm so grateful ruby!" And then blake kissed ruby's cheek. This was a normal action between the girls, however this time felt... different for both girls.

For blake all she saw was ruby dancing in the moonlight, her back as she saved velvet from bullies, her smile when they read together, and her manipulating blake into a loss when they trained together.

For ruby all she saw was blake's kind and calm smile as they read together, her stoic courage when she watched her back that time she saved velvet from bullies, that time she stood her ground against scary adults on her behalf, that time blake and her played with their semblanceses, all the times blake's eyes would light up when new books were available too her.

Both girls face's flushed a deep red, and they both unaware, had the same thought 'wow... she's so heroic. i'll get stronger, just you wait!' Outwardly both girls forced a smile and started laughing not understanding why now of all times doing that made them want to scream. Neo saw this as emerald and velvet were talking, and she smiled, thinking 'little ruby, just what am i gonna do with you' she couldn't believe how adorable the two girls could be. She couldn't help but mentally add 'who would have thought that blake belladonna the book worm would fall for crazy energetic ruby, who wanted nothing more then to speed around and make everyone happy. maybe someday in time you two will realize how you feel. and on that day i'll be there for both of you until the very end'

Just then as the two blushing fools were laughing painfully awkwardly and forced. Ruby suddenly was hit by something and she let out an "oof!" As the figure who tackled her came into view it caused the little girl to let out the happiest smile and say. "Mama!"

Cinder fall pov

Granted maybe tackling a child wasn't as subtle as she would normally be with her affection. But right now she couldn't help wanting to squeeze her daughter in her arms and nuzzle her in the most loving way she could ever imagine. And when the girl saw her she made cinders heart go into overdrive when she smiled brightly and excitedly said. "Mama!" Cinder surprised the girls present by laughing. Actually laughing. And saying. "Hello pyro gem! Did you see me kick the mean lady's butt?" Ruby's surprise lasted a second longer and she exclaimed happily. "Yeah! You didn't even have to do anything! You made her do all the work and then beat her up in front of her own daddy!" Cinder giggled and said. "Gather round girls!" And they all did so and cinder then smiled and said. "Well now, ahem! Neo, Ruby, Emerald, Blake, Velvet. I love and appreciate you all so much that it's hard to put into words. Now how about a team NVEBR group hug?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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