Here comes the dawn.

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A/N edit didn't know my rwby regions, sorry everyone my bad.

Cinder pov

Life had been rather interesting for cinder fall as of late. She and her kids had been training every chance they got, usually after raven and cinder trained together. "This time it will be different. This time i'll win schnee." She quietly vowed before she got to work.
Every day she'd train, lifting huge weights, running miles each day, and pushing her aura every inch she could. And just like that, the time came.

Cinder pov 3 months later train ride to atlas

"This is exciting, and nerve wracking to say the least." Said kali belladonna nervously sitting in the same seating area as cinder on the train. "Come now Kali, i won't let anything happen to you alright? Just stay by me and no one will mess with you." But her friend responded with. "Then cinder dear, why are you sweating?" Cinder did note the perspiration on her skin, especially her lower back. Now there isn't anything wrong with sweating, but when it's 10 below and you're sweating while only wearing light cold gear, then there was probably something wrong. "I... i'm from this region originally... they aren't good memories." Kali said. "Oh dear are yo-" Cinder cut her off. "I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!" That made her friend shrink back and cower slightly and fall over.

Cinder was shaking, her pupils dilated and her flesh pale as moonlight, she was also breathing very fast shallow breaths and then she looked completely ashamed of herself. She fell down and hugged kali saying quietly in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't leave me. I'm sorry." Kali looked at her friend and now did she realize that no matter how strong she seemed, cinder fall was well and truly still just a shattered girl, much like the moon in the sky. "Shhhh, there, there. I'll never leave you okay?" She felt cinder pull away and then look into her eyes, while hers were covered in tears. "Now then, follow what i do." At that kali grabbed cinders hands and said. "Breathe in, count to 5, and breathe out." And so they did that for a few more minutes and cinder started to look calmer then before.

"You're exhausted, come over here and take a nap with me. I'll make sure no one sees you so just rest and i'll watch over you, alright?" Cinder didn't even have the strength to argue, instead doing exactly as kali said and then falling asleep completely at peace near the other mother's radiating calming warmth.

Team NVEBR pov train ride to atlas

"I can't believe mom's gonna fight that winter schnee again!" Exclaimed the lovable and excited emerald. "I know! Your mother is crazy cool, i'm so excited to see her beat that schnee silly." Velvet said while hugging the bunny's cage that they got to kindly take with them. [i say we pool all our money together and bet on mom. who's with me?] They all counted up their allowances and came to a modest sum. "Aww, only 200?" Said blake who clearly wished that they could bet more then that on cinders re-match with the contemptible winter schnee. "Hmmmmmm." They all looked over to ruby who was deep in thought. "What you thinking about ruby?" The little girl in a red poncho said. "Hmm? Oh, just that the next chance i get i need to get my rotors checked and repaired, they're kinda acting up in this cold weather."

The black haired faunus put her hand on her best friend's knee and said. "Don't they normally take a week to fix something like that? What are you going to do for the tournament?" Ruby shrugged and said. "Wheelchair i guess. No other choice. It's fine though at least they can give us access to the handicapped seating in the front row." All the other girls seemed to smirk at that. [you are doing this on purpose so we get guaranteed front row seats to the ass kicking of winter aren't you?] At that ruby's cheeks went as red as her poncho and she smiled awkwardly and said. "Was i that obviously up to something?" They all nodded but emerald said. "Good thinking though! We can use it to our advantage like an exploit in a fight!"

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