A day in the life

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Ruby&Neo pov

After they got back the pair decided that they would do one on one training. "Are you sure i can do this neo?" Words appeared above neo's head (yes it's just dance. I have full faith that you can do this) and then the girl turned on a song. It was a very melancholic rock song. Ruby took neo's hand and she made it look like they were both in black dress clothes with skull face paint. Ruby had a suit and neo a full black dress. "Is this really necessary?" Neo raised a brow and words appeared in the stars (You got a problem with fitting the song?) Ruby shook her head and said. "No, it's actually a really nice song. What's it called?" Neo smiled and the words changed (dance macabre)

Then she spun and held her hand out to the sharp dressed ruby, and more words said (let's dance!) And so they did, ruby stumbled a bit. But neo was a very fine dance teacher, after she spun ruby the younger sister asked. "Why are we dancing though?" Neo made words follow ruby's eyes in motion (blake told you, sword fighting was like dancing, so that's why) Ruby then seemed to put her heart and soul into the dance. Neo noticed this and restarted the song. "Now with my semblance!" And then ruby and neo started dancing in the moonlight with gusts of fire and ruby was flowing like a river, into neo's moves.

That made neo smile, not even emerald was as good a dancer then ruby who just started. And they kept dancing, neo did a backwards flip and wink at a tree while ruby couldn't see it.

Blake pov secret reading spot a few minutes earlier

While she was finally enjoying some peace and quiet away from all the noises of her home. It was a good day, ruby was now 5 and she had legs again. She started to read her next chapter when she was interrupted by music. "Grrrr." Blake angrily tried to ignore the music and continue reading. After the song ended she smiled. "At least that's ov-" She was cut off by it starting again. "That's it!" She turned around and climbed higher into the tree, to see what the big idea was. "!!!!" But the sight shocked her. It was ruby dressed in a suit with skull face paint dancing with neo who also was themed to the song.

Blake couldn't help but stare at ruby, her sensitive cat ears picked up on the mechanical rotor sounds, and she could even hear her own heart beat pick up speed as her face felt warm. Even the smell of salt on the breeze, and the taste on her tongue. Every sense made it a breath taking moment. Blake got out her scroll and took a picture, then she almost fell out of the tree, when neo bent backwards and clearly winked at her. Blake panicked 'gah! she saw me! she's going to tell ruby that i was staring!!!' But curiously, they kept dancing without a care in the world. Every now and then ruby would stumble or fall, but she always got back up, 'just like when she saved velvet, and all i did was watch. i even thought ruby of all people would join in on the bullying, i'm so stupid'

Blake just watched every moment of ruby, eventually standing and mimicking her moves on the branch. Blake closed her eyes and imagined she was dancing with ruby, the thought brought a smile to her face. And she vowed maybe one day she could ask ruby to dance.

Ruby&Neo pov

After they finished neo smiled and the illusion broke with a *CRASH* she began panting, causing her sister to burst away somewhere with a *WOOSH* and re appeare with a harsh *SNAP* ruby ran at a normal pace, now comfortable with her new legs. And gave neo a bottle of water. [thanks ruby] Ruby smiled brightly and said. "No problem neo! Thanks for not giving up on me, it was really hard there for a bit."

Neo smiled and signed [i will always have your back ruby, no matter what. and i mean that] Ruby replied. "Same here neo." They then hugged and went back to the belladonna's estate to sleep.

Cinder pov

She was currently getting ready to train with raven. "Now, the first thing about the maiden powers is that they can make elements bend to their will. The most powerful that you can use is based on your maiden hood. So yours is fire." Raven then said. "Hit that target with a controlled burst of fire." Cinder nodded took a breath and yelled. "Ghost fire strike!" And threw a knife made of hellfire steel. It hit the target with a *Thwang* and raven said. "Good aim but i said destroy the tar-" and before she could finish cinder looked at her and snapped her fingers, then with a loud and fast *BANG!* The knife popped off like a massive fire bomb.

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