Time to say goodbye. The storm is growing deadly

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A/N grammar edits and bonus short!

Ruby&Neo pov

[are you having fun ruby?] Ruby smiled and signed. [i. am. thank. you.] Ruby asked. "Was that good?" Neo beamed, and hugged ruby. And signed. [it was. good job ruby] The girls were having ice cream, at their new favorite neo and ruby hangout spot. "It's hard learning how to move my hands, but i'm getting good at reading the signals!" Neo smirked and signed. [truly well done. my beautiful and kind sister who brings immense joy upon me and my life] Ruby looked dizzy at all the signs, and the speed at which they were signed. "Neo! That's cheating!" This caused neo to laugh silently at her sister's outburst.

Then the waiter brought their order. "One neapolitan scoop, one chocolate chip cookie scoop. And mint scoop, with a spicy cinnamon scoop. For each of you! Enjoy." They both got a quadruple scoop deluxe bowl, ruby got to order deciding that all those flavors reminded her of her sisters and mama. And chocolate chip was neo's idea, because it reminded her of ruby. "These are great!" Neo nodded agreeing with her sisters cultured taste. "You know, this ice cream reminds me of your eye's and pale skin." Neo smirked, and signed. [that's why i'm named neo] Ruby asked. "Oh really? Well why don't you theme yourself on it?" Neo signed [like what should i do to theme myself?] Ruby exclaimed. "We should do your hair! Daddy always gets his done, so it's gotta be okay!" Neo brushed her hand through her chocolate brown hair, and replied. [only if you do it too] Ruby smiled and replied. "Deal!"

Once they got done with their ice cream lunch. They went into a hair salon. "Hello what can i do for you kids?" Neo typed (two dye jobs please) the woman looked apprehensive. "Our mama said it was okay, she's guarding some vip targets right now." The woman responded. "Oh, a huntress then. Alright what's the color scheme you want?" The two girls picked each other out a color, and smiled. Later once they got back into the belladonna's estate, cinder nearly choked on her drink. "Girls!? What did you do to your hair!?"

Neo now had vibrant pink hair with two white stripes on one side, and her natural brown on the other, both perfectly complimentary to her mismatched eyes. Ruby had stark black natural hair, with a metallic vibrant red on the ends of her hair and, just the slightest hint of yellowish orange. Resembling fire, on the end of her wavey hair. "We dyed it to theme ourselves! Daddy always says. Gotta have tact, class, and style!" Cinder replied. "ROMAN!!!" The man in question ran into the room with his cane at the ready. "What! What is it?" Cinder replied by saying. "Look at the girls!" He did and said. "Woah! Looking good girls!" She exclaimed. "Roman! Why aren't you upset!?" Roman said. "Cinder. If you keep telling me that i am their dad, then i will not be upset at them for expressing themselves."

"But what about punishment!? They did this without our supervision." Roman then replied. "Look, they did it because we inspired them too do it. You see firecrackers hair looks like fire, wonder where she got that idea. And neo is ice cream themed, maybe because we call her that all the time." Cinder added. "Okay... but what are we going to do about this?" He responded. "Go hangout with kali and the kids. I'll deal with them. Okay?" She finished. "Fine." After cinder left roman said. "Next time ask me okay, if you feel like mama ursai's gonna say no, i'll take the heat." Ruby said. "Okay daddy. I'm sorry about not asking." He smiled and replied. "I know ya are firecracker. How about we go for a walk, i've got some cash burning a hole in my pocket and i want to check out a new store." They agreed and left.

Once they got to the new store, they entered. "Welcome sir! What can we do for you?" Roman said. "These two need a full outfit made. I want them to be as battle resistant as you can make them." The clerk replied. "Sir? They're children." Roman said. "Of a huntsman, me. So battle resistant. And i want a nice full white suit, and a new bowler hat, this one has seen some better days." The clerk replied. "Yes sir! Any specific design choices?" He smiled and said. "Mine i want a nice white coat, button up. With buckled black gloves and black kevlar weave for the under shirt and jacket lining. Same for pants and a nice pair of atlas leather shoes, with a switch blade on each, and a hollow heel. They can choose theirs."

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