The vale of lies disappear

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A/N grammar edits

United pov

The few months that passed were really fun for the 3 and they were one day from their destination with newly one year old ruby! ""[Happy birthday ruby!]"" The two said while neo signed with them. Then the 6 and 3 quarters year old signed to the baby [here! I know you can't understand me yet but i wanted to give you this.] Then neo handed her a book called (1-4 year old guide to super simple sign! For the verbally and hearing impaired) the book made cinder smile openly at least lightly. But that was great progress.

Then roman came forward saying "Here firecracker! It took a long time but hopefully you'll always love it." He then proceeded to move his hands and made it look like he whipped the present out of thin air "Ta da!" He said then handed her his gift. It was a metal cape clasp. That showed a white rose and sun flower surrounded by raging orange flames but persevering. "I figured you would want one someday like mama firework over here." Cinder whacked his arm mumbling that he shouldn't fill her head with nonsense. But he continued "While it's not the white rose her white cape has she called you sunshine so i figured you could wear it with pride one day. Knowing your just as tough as her." Romans thoughtfulness shocked neo and cinder. But now it was cinders turn.

"Uh, it's not as good as theirs i'm afraid but here. I sincerely hope that you like it." She then produced her present. It was a miniature version of her red hot spear and a white scythe crossed in front of a skull that had a white rose in its left eye and a red flame in its right eye socket. While the white rose side and scythe were pretty and stark white. The red flame side and spear were entropy and chaos personified with a flaming beowolf skull fusing with the white human side.

Cinder timidly said "It's a charm for a necklace i had it custom made i figured." She took a breath about ready to cry "Phew... okay i can do this, that you'd want to have a part of your mother with you. And it maybe a little selfish of me but a part of the villain who protected you on the way to vale."
Cinder honestly thought she didn't want to get rid of ruby now. But knew it was probably the right thing to do no matter if it made cinder want to die. 'Just one more day, stupid fucking van pushed us ahead by a few months' cinder bitterly thought but no matter what, she couldn't blame roman.

Roman said "Hey you good firework?" She quickly rubbed her eye's saying "Of course i am." Then roman started picking up the birthday girl and giving her to cinder saying "Here firecracker you cheer up mama firework!" Cinder laughed lightly picking up her-no! Just ruby and then they each had a cookie while cinder gave ruby some chocolate milk. It might not have been a healthy choice for a one year old but, the Gods help anyone who tried to stop her from giving the girl a true birthday. Ruby seemed to down the milk with gusto and burped as loud as a baby could. Causing no end to their shared laughter.

United pov vale

Then the day came and went. And they were in vale one look at the sky showed the illustrious beacon academy. And after a dead silent breakfast. The three went to a nearby orphanage and stood across the street from the orphanage cinder holding ruby the same way her biological mother did when her assailants threatened her baby although cinder would never know that.

"Well this is it firecracker. I'll always remember you for as long as i live don't you worry about mama firework me and neo got her back." Said roman who's guyliner was lightly running down his face, but the two girls just pretended it wasn't happening. [Can't she stay with me! I can take care of her just give her here!] Signed a silently crying wreck named neo, who was being held back by a stoic roman "Go firework i'll take care of her!" Before cinder could leave she heard it. In the raspiest and quietest voice she ever heard "no give me back ruby!" Neo said in an obvious amount of pain and she collapsed coughing violently and cinder could only grit her teeth and bear the pain her second favorite girl in the world was in.

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