Aria of a flame. Burning brighter

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A/N new short story, full of lessons and new design descriptions for cinder. Please enjoy!

United pov 9 months later

""""""[Happy birthday ruby]"""""""
Shouted the group who consisted of, neo, roman, cinder, ghira, kali, blake and emerald.

"Thank you everyone!" Said the newly minted three year old. "Don't let the age go to your head sis don't want you acting like a big shot!" Said the six year old emerald. "Yeah we can't have the R in NBER too big for her britches!" Exclaimed the 5 year old blake. [You're getting so big. And smart me mom and dad are very proud of you ruby!] Blake and emerald translated for her both having learned significant sign language. Ruby stood up and sloppily signed. [Thank. You. I. Love. You. Neo!] The nine year old neo gave a silent squeal, running and hugging her sister with all her might.

Ruby said "Dad taught me a little reading when mama wasn't looking. So i could read my birthday present you got me when i turned one!" Cinder smiled and eyed roman who just moved his gloved hand in a, yeah yeah, gesture. 'Softy' thought cinder.

Blake exclaimed. "Holy crud ruby you're already reading! Talk about a super genius!" Em said. "Yeah that's my sister!" Ruby smiled hugely. "Thanks you guys i promise to make you guys proud forever!" ""[You always have ruby!]"" Said her favorite people... aside from her mom that is. "Hey if you wanna start getting really good at reading you can face time me, and you read and i'll help with big or hard words!" That excited ruby her best friend wants to read with her. "Really awesome! Do you have any books that are challenging, mama says that i should be-" Blake finished for her. "Mind as much as blade. Yep you're definitely your mama's daughter! But yeah i've got one new one about a werewolf that i'm kinda scared to read alone... do you maybe... wana read with me? I brought it for the sleep over?"

Ruby said "Um yeah... if you want too." Both kali and cinder smirked at each other. Ghira and roman not catching the mothers silently shipping the two awkward girls. "Oh um yeah do you wanna start after we open presents?" Ruby nodded enthusiastically. "These ones are from ozpin, Port and oblec. So be nice, even if they're not something you want. You a-" ruby diligently said "Appreciate, and thank! I know mama!"

Cinder smiled. "Okay then Pyro gem. Open them." Ruby opened port's "It's a book! My many famous exploits of grimm weaknesses by professor port first edition, and it's signed! Hee hee, he drew a mustache!" That made everyone laugh, cinder and roman were silently jealous of getting a veritable cheat sheet to his future classes. Then ruby opened oblec's "Yay! Another book! The illustrated guide to identifying grimm. By dr Bartholomew oblec. It's signed as well! Heh! This one has glasses." Next was headmaster ozpins. "Oooooh! It's a statue of mama!" Sure enough it was a statue of cinder, in summers cloak holding fire, and scaring away grimm from a baby ruby.

(To miss fall. If you ever feel down distraught or scared, remember the hardships you have overcome. The family you have who protect you in the darkest times. Always dear child remember the light.) Cinder had to help read some words but they eventually got through it. "Now mama's turn!" Roman stepped forth. "Ah ah ah. Save the best for last firecracker. Here." Ruby took what he gave her. "Oh my gosh!" Cinder looked confused, and moved forward to see. It was a simple scroll like neos old one. "Now you girls don't have to worry about sharing with three people. But be nice and listen to mama's rules okay ruby?" The little girl knew he was serious when he called her by her name. "Thanks dad!" Roman only grumbled lightly in annoyance.

"Our turn!" Said emerald. Referring to the three girls. "Here ya go ruby!" Once the girl got the gift she opened it, and gasped. "It's us at the protest!" Sure enough it was a photo framed of a two year old ruby, a 4 year old blake a 5 year old emerald and freshly 9 year old neo. All wearing cat ears and tails and posing with a v for victory. The frame said. (The start of NBER! Now we rise!) "You guys this is awesome! Thank you!" In response they all just huged her. "Okay now my present ruby." And ruby opened her final gift. "Oh! It's a drawing!" The charcoal master peice featured a little girl holding a baby the little looked like ruby's mom and they were surrounded by fire. "It's a drawing of me at age 10 and you as a baby. It used to scare me but not anymore. I wanted to give you something sentimental but nobody took any pictures of me. Hope you like it!"

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