a framework of lies

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A/N grammar fix

Roman pov

Today was the day, for the famous roman torchwick! While he wasn't actually famous, that didn't stop the pep in his step. Why did he have a pep in his step? Well because today he was going to participate in one of his all time favorite activities. While most would probably assume that would be shopping for hats and eyeliner, that wasn't what he was going to do today. Today he was going to blackmail a rich guy!

His contact in atlas had told him that jauqe schnee was going to be at a rally today, a rally that roman was sure to attend. "Daddy what am i supposed to do again?" Asked ruby, for roman wasn't going to blackmail someone and not bring his daughters along and teach them how to blackmail effectively! What kind of parent would he be if he did such a thing. "Just act like i taught you and everything should go swimmingly sweetie. Can you do that for daddy?"

Ruby looked super pumped up at that and said. "What kind of daughter wouldn't help her daddy blackmail some guy!" Roman smiled and gestured wildly saying. "Thank you! Good to know i raised a good one." Roman was proud of ruby, although not a conventional parenting strategy, teaching your kid to blackmail. But damned be the one to tell roman that.

Neo and the rest were watching with pride and only velvet asked. "Um, is that really a proper thing to teach a child?" Neo, blake and emerald replied. ""[Of course it is silly]"" velvet was still subtly unnerved by the girls ability to speak and sign in complete sync. But ultimately nodded and remained quiet.

After about 15 minutes of walking and passing by the many old buildings and freezing and miserable faunus, they reached the rally center. This, is where roman would help team NVEBR beat a schnee at their own game.

"Well, well, well. Just in time for his speech to be over, and for us too catch him as he leaves. Girls vanish." The other four nodded, and faded from sight as ordered. "Perfect, ready ruby?" The little girl on his shoulders said. "Let's get this guy!" At that the two ran up and roman said. "Wait!" Jauqe looked at him with a raised brow, then adopted his business like smile and said. "Yes? How may i be of service kind citizen?" Roman thought 'jeez this guy is no joke, well guess you gotta be good at bullshit as a ceo' Roman fixed his hat slightly and said. "Phew! You walk pretty fast there sir. Do you work out?" Jauqe smirked and said. "Well i'm no huntsman but i get around here and there, thank you for noticing."

Roman said. "No problem at all sir. What i wanted to say was thank you!"
Jauqe replied. "For what?" Roman smiled and said. "Your SDC hold'em tournament a few years back. I won it and have been able to make a fine businessman of myself and give my daughter a future by investing in stocks all over the place." Jauqe smiled a broad smile and said. "That was you? Oh splendid coincidence to see you here, and congratulations i should say. You must be very well off with those fine tailored clothes you and your daughter have."

Roman smiled and said. "I was actually wondering if maybe i could return the favor? After all a fine man must pay back his debts." Jauqe had let down his guard a bit and said. "Ah finally a man who understands my plight. Yes a responsible man should pay his debts, what a fine example to set for your daughter. You my dear are lucky to have a father like him." Ruby smiled and said. "Yep! My daddy is the best!"

Jauqe then said. "And what did you exactly have in mind Mr?" Roman slapped his forehead and said. "Ah silly me, honestly gonna make my dear mother roll in her grave with my lack of manners! Ahem, Randy flintrock at your service." He bowed slightly as ruby held on to him, and he said. "Well actually i had a proposal that had to do with the upcoming fight with Cinder fall vs Winter schnee." That caught his attention and roman said. "I was going to propose a bet!" Jauqe schnee said. "How much are we talking here Mr Flintrock?" Roman smiled and said. "Well no matter what you will want to choose your daughter, like home team kinda thing. So I'd go with this miss fall woman and for betting i was thinking... oh... i don't know... 5 million?"

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