A qrow and raven walk into a bar

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A/N major rewrite, removed cinder and raven flirts. It just doesn't fit my narrative sorry to everyone who voted for it on Twitter, i tried.

Raven pov

"Ugh why are you so gross!" Said raven after qrow started puking as soon as he woke, he replied. "This just means i've had a good night!" Then he started throwing up again. She sat there and silently hoped her bet would help her brother. It was no secret that he was in love with summer rose, hell she'd encouraged him to make a move, then summer slept with tai while raven was on a mission. That turned her brother into an apathetic mess and her into an angry one. After all she was married to tai and she had a daughter with him.

It then got worse after the divorce, the next month tai married summer. And invited qrow and her as guests of honor. She instead of enjoying the wedding had to nurse her inconsolable twin brother through the night, while he clutched a whiskey bottle crying himself into a drunk sleep. Thankfully he wasn't an alcoholic yet, he just lost control during hard emotional times. Then summer got pregnant, qrow surprised her he didn't drink, instead he insisted that he was going to become the best uncle ruby had.

And eventually summer took a job while pregnant that involved going to the city of mantle to help with a food and housing crisis. Tai was away and angry that his wife left, while qrow was secretly following her and keeping his distance, making sure she was okay. She gave birth and then she started her journey back, and then the next time qrow found her it was only her weapon and alot of blood on the scene as well as ashes from a fire. He called raven and begged her to help him, to do something. She never wanted to see her brother hurt like that, so she flew over and helped in a body recovery and rescue opp that went no where.

Then she remembered him texting her (think i just saw summer! Girl in white cloak with a baby, following her now) but raven and her brothers hopes were dashed after she found him crying in a bar by himself. Apparently the girl was a teen mom with a similar fashion sense, who didn't know who summer was. The sight of her brother with eyes red from tears and heart aching, made her do something she never wanted to do again. Go back to tai's place. But that was a story for another time.

"Qrow..." He got up wiping his mouth, and he said. "Raven, please... just don't okay." She gave him a sad smile, and said. "Let's fly we're almost there." He nodded and they shifted into birds and took flight.

Cinder pov

She was walking back to the belladonna's estate, with velvet and emerald. Both wearing brand new shoes, while cinder made a pair of high heels out of glass using her under used semblance, and based on a pair she saw in the store. There was one big problem though. "Woah! Gah!" Cinder didn't know how to walk in heels. "Miss fall? Why don't you just switch them into flat shoes?" Velvet unfortunately didn't know the lengths of cinders stubbornness. Cinder said while flailing around trying to walk. "I'm, nnnggg, fine! Woah! Ahem, thank you for asking. Wah!" Cinder was currently doing the one thing her daughter thought impossible. Namely embarrassing her.

"Mom, could you at least lean on me or something?" Spoke emerald while hiding her face with the bunny's cage. "No! I'll get this down. Gahhhh!" Cinder fell and caught herself on a light pole, and said. "Grrrr, stupid lady stilts!" Both the girl's shared a red faced look of commiseration and then took her hands and walked back to the belladonna's estate.

After it was nightfall they arrived, and roman was waiting with the other three girls. "Why hello roman, have a good day?" Said cinder while walking very slowly and steady, trying to keep up appearances. The girls behind looked shocked that she didn't face plant as soon as they let go. 'willpower don't fail me now!' Thought the fire wielder. "Wow nice heels! Didn't know you wore heels." She strutted slowly, secretly praying that she didn't fall. "Oh silly roman, a girl must have her secrets mustn't she?" Then she gave him the fire wink.

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