A trip to the callows

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Cinder pov 6 months later

School was going pretty good for the recently 17 year old girl. Cinder loved her birthday party last month.

""[Happy birthday! Mom/firework!]""
Said roman, emerald and neopolitan. Waking her up with breakfast in bed. "Wha? What's all this?" She asked confused. "Oh it's your daughters birthday breakfast! Even though i cooked it." Said roman. "Me and neo made roman, make you breakfast ruby couldn't do much. So she was moral support!" Said emerald. And ruby simply said "Mama! Hppa de!" trying to say happy birthday. "Aww thanks ruby! You're getting so good at talking!"

The youngest girl started giggling and crawling away quickly from cinders dreaded snuggle attacks. After the breakfast cinder got ready for class. But when she opened her door there was a bunch of gift boxes and after inspecting them she had two from heather and alice, two from doctor oblec and professor port. And surprisingly two from ozpin and goodwitch. "Heh she's a softie." Cinder quickly had become number one in, all three of their classes. Glynda was the biggest turnaround however. Once Cinder stopped relying on her power's strength, she started getting very precise and fast... very fast.

After beating team IICE twice. Those idiots challenged her on their honor, which always made cinder roll her eyes in recalling that event. Glynda had offered to train one on one every night after her 17th birthday. And sure enough there was a pass, with a letter. (Dear miss fall. While my offer to train you every night after class might not always happen, mostly due to scheduling conflicts. Please feel free to practice in the arena with whomever you want. Ps. Don't abuse this kindness. Sincerely glynda goodwitch.)

'looks like i can finally start training neo&em i will need to hold back against them which will be good training for me as well' Cinder then asked "Hey girls what say we train after we eat tonight?" In response neo and em looked like they just won the lottery, high fiving each other's hands. "We won't let you down mom!" Said emerald. 'She looks so much healthier now for a five year old, who was completely malnourished not half a year ago' cinder smiled and said. "Well then. Can't wait to see how you fight!"

Cinder pov Romans present

"Come on firework you are going to love it!" Roman said as he was practically dragging her away. "Roman, i told the girls i'd start training them, and it's already night-time. Hurry up please." While cinder was blindfolded and slightly grumpy at the ginger. "Okay we're here! Take it off." Cinder did so and "We are on a balcony roman. What made you think i wanted a balcony?" He simply smiled, turned on a stereo hidden behind him. Then he said. "Look up firework." She did so, and sharply gasped. "Woah look at the stars, i've never seen them like this!" The stars were bright and vibrant something that should normally be impossible. "!!!!" And now they were shooting one after another through the dark purple galaxy visible in the night sky.

"Ahem! Care to dance with me?" She looked at him, and felt the odd heat in her chest and face, and said "Oh um, okay!" Then they slow danced to a song that, along with the view took her breath away. "Roman... thank you... for being... well you i guess... i'm not great at speaking to people... sorry." He smiled and said "Oh come on, your eyes speak far more effectively then words ever could. And thank you for being you as well. Cinder fall." They simply sat there staring into each other's eyes.

'His eyes are nicer then mine though, just the perfect shade of emerald green, and as much as i tease him for it his make-up does amazing work showing the perfect set of green off to the world, is it weird that i don't like the idea of others looking at his eyes?' Cinder then said "Thanks for this as well." He smirked saying "Oh this it was nothing." Cinder added "And thanks for the stars girls!"

That made romans eyes widen. "You're welcome mom." Came the voice of emerald along with ruby's giggling. "Damn thought it would work." Said a slightly dejected roman. "Oh it did, and i'll remember this moment forever... thank you." She did her signature fire wink. And left. Now alone roman said "Woah that girl is beyond, something else."

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