An icy resolve. A mother's fire

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A/N going to be a bit of a long one

Team NBER pov

The announcement just came that they were to commence the first fight in 45 minutes. [okay team, this is the plan. emerald! you go with me to get popcorn and chocolate milk! blake you take ruby and find seats but please go to the bathrooms first, we will go after we get the supplies okay?] ""Got it!"" Ruby added. "Oh uh, yeah!" Neo signed. [okay go team NBER. 1, 2, 3, break!] At that they all got to their respective missions.

Ruby&Blake pov

"Hey ruby why were you distracted a few minutes ago?" The younger girl said. "I saw a girl who seemed lost, but then she was gone. Was it wrong to not help her?" Blake grabbed ruby's hand, and said. "Ruby... sometimes you can't save everyone. But tell you what, if we see her again and she's still lost i'll help you help her okay?" The little girl smiled brightly and said. "Thanks blake!" The cat girl simply said. "You're welcome. Oh here!" The girl quickly traded some lein for a quick purchase. "Here, it's going to be sunny today and there's going to be flashes. So we need to protect our eyes, mine are sensitive and yours are light silver so they are probably sensitive as well." The girls had matching sunglasses. Blake had black aviators and ruby had silver one's. "Woah it's like everything is darker! These are so neat!" Blake smiled at the innocent nature of the girl.

But she noticed ruby frown at her. "What's wrong ruby?" The girl then said. "But i don't like how it hides your pretty-cat eye's!" Blake was taken aback by ruby's comment. 'nobody has ever said i had pretty eye's but mom! it's weird but kinda cool how she likes them'  Blake smiled and said. "Here i'll rest'em on my hat, that way you can still see my eyes ruby." The girl then hugged blake. "Thanks my dad said only tell people you really like that they have pretty eyes." The older girl didn't understand entirely the context behind romans words but smiled and said. "Thanks you... have pretty eyes too!"

After they got close to the bathrooms, they saw something. "Oh blake it's the lost girl! Over there!" Ruby pointed and sure enough, there was a brown eared bunny faunus being messed with by a bunch of kids. "Blake we need to help!" And little ruby charged, in her tiny red caplet and aviators she cut an impressive figure to the bullied girl. "Hey jerks leave her alone!" The kids looked over and noticed ruby. "Huh? Beat it squirt we are trying to teach this filthy animal a lesson. You know what? Here you have a go!" Blake stood frozen unsure of what to do. But ruby, to everyone's shock said. "Don't mind if i do! My dad told me how to deal with big animals!" And before anyone could say anything. Ruby pulled back her foot. "W-wait ruby!" Blake tried to stop her best friend from kicking this faunus in the face. She honestly couldn't believe ruby could do this.

But before she could react. *BAM!* ruby's foot connected with all her might, but not on the bunny faunus. No right in the older boys crotch. """!!!!""" He fell silent to his knees, holding himself. And the other boys winced and froze in shock. Ruby turned to them and said. "You want some too!" The boys ran, they ran fast and hard. One grabbed his friend on the ground and ran. "Yeah that's right you hecken butt-faces! Hey you okay miss?" The petrified bunny faunus grabbed the little girls hand. "Y-yeah thanks, i thought you were going to kick me for a second." Ruby smiled saying. "Nope team NBER is all about sabotage. I only faked trying to kick you but was planning on kicking him all along!"

By this point blake ran over. "Ruby! Holy cow that was awesome! How did you do that!" Ruby smiled hugely and said. "My daddy told me. If a big dumb animal tries to mess with you, kick him as hard as you can in his family jewls!" Blake said. "Family jewls?" Ruby then replied. "Yeah it confused me as well, untill he showed me on my doll where they were!" Ruby gestured between her legs. "I guess boys hide jewls there or something?" Blake shrugged. "Yeah boys are weird." They both turned to the other girl. "Oh my goodness you're blake belladonna!" Blake put her hand to the girls mouth. "Shhhh okay? I'm undercover as a human today." The bunny girl nodded, and removed the hand. "Sorry i guess it is safer for travel to hid being a faunus."

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