It's a start. Some just want to watch it burn

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A/N abuse warning. Nothing graphic or too uncomfortable, but a warning nonetheless also grammar edits.

United pov

Cinder and the grown ups talked about meaningless things just enjoying each other's company when. "Mom! Can me and the girls go train with blake!?" Cinder and kali said. ""Okay but be safe."" So the girls started team NVEBR training.

Team NVEBR pov

Blake produced a bunch of training swords saying. "Okay ladies the basics of all combat revolve around sword play. But don't think it's a fun game, over the next year we will be training till our hands bleed!" Ruby replied. "You stole that from, a huntress and a swordswoman!" Blake ignored ruby, but blushed slightly continuing. "So the first up will be me vs ruby!" Ruby approached. "Now velvet! Pay attention to how we move, our footwork it's like dancing, this style is called fencing."

And so blake got into position, and said. "En gard!" Then slow light taps of *tink* started sounding. The girls were slowly getting into the rhythm of the imaginary dance. And slowly they started speeding up. Ruby lightly using her semblance, and blake avoided some hits with her shadow clones. Then they were a blur of fire and after images. "This is like our tag games!" Said ruby. "Goo sis!" Screamed emerald. After blake looked exhausted, ruby lunged. But blake brought up her blade and locked with the smaller girl. Then with a twirling motion of blake's hand, ruby was disarmed. "Hah! Concede defeat!" Ruby then asked. "Um what's concede mean?" Blake replied. "Oh well it's a word mean-" but ruby threw a handful of dirt at blake, then rushed to her sword. "Gah!" Said blake, and ruby petal bursted towards her, then disarmed blake using the same method used on her seconds ago. "Now! Concede."

Blake looked shocked. "You tricked me!?" Ruby smirked saying. "Dad said ask badguys a question in desperate situations, and make a move when they monolog!" Blake replied. "But you knew i was trying to answer your questions! No random badguys would do that!" Ruby then said. "Neo said know your enemy, and exploit that knowledge to your benefit!" Blake asked. "But that's against the rules isn't it!?" Ruby asked. "In a huntress and a swordswoman, chapter 5 page 157. There are no rules in a real sword fight!. Said the main villain to the hero, and do you remember what happened next?" Blake replied. "Yeah the hero lost." Ruby pressed. "Why?" Blake catching on finished. "Because she thought it was dishonest to attack when her opponent was distracted. And eventually the flames burned the building down. Killing them both."

Ruby then asked. "Do you think the hero would have lived had she fought like her enemy?" Blake said. "Yes, if she killed the badguy when she could've, she wouldn't have died right?" Ruby shook her head. "No she didn't have to kill. If she hit her opponent in the hand, they couldn't fight anymore and the hero could have arrested her. Killing is always an option, but it shouldn't be the first resort unless the situation calls for it." At that blake answered. "I concede." The audience gave applause. "You're a better fighter blake but you need to learn not too play by any rules in a real fight." Said em. [you deserve praise for your insight and intelligence. but if your opponent can use it against you, then it's a double edged blade. remember this lesson not the disappointment] Blake nodded saying. "And that's why you're the leader."

Now it was emerald vs neopolitan.

"I have the stronger semblance here sister. Concede now with the grace we know you have." Neo smirked. [wanna bet?] Emerald smiled. "Winner gets to spend the day with ruby?" Neo added. [and the loser gets to do blake's chores?] Emerald smiled and finished. "En gard!" And the girls started fighting much the same as their teammates before them. *tink* upper blade lock. And a riposte, but. *CRASH* then neo appeared from behind with a thrust. But went right thru em, making her vanish! "Got ya!" *tink!* another blade lock, and a riposte by neo agian. But it was met with another vanished emerald.

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