A burning passion for knowledge

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Cinder pov

"Girl word has it you got another kid! Are your maternal instincts that strong." Cinder simply tuned out alice and kept eating. "I think it's absolutely adorable cinder is such a cinnamon roll." Cinder simply tuned out heather and kept eating. "Yeah can't say i'm surprised, firework over here is a total babe magnet... get it because babe sounds like baby?" Cinder simply lit roman on fire and kept eating.

Professor port's class

After breakfast they headed towards professor port's first class of the school year. After entering and getting seated the man entered saying "HELLO GENTLEMEN!" Causing most students to jerk backwards at his voice, "And ladies!" He said winking to the girls while he may have been loud, he brought the volume down to a manigable degree. "This class is about the finer points of fighting grimm and other nare-do wells. Now i require a volunteer to fight in front of the class!" Cinder shot up raising her hand causing roman to chuckle, and port to exclaim "Oh eager to learn are we! Well class let's see if she can back up that bravado!" Cinder stood ready 'time to show them why i'm the best' "Now students what will young miss fall do! Especially when facing a boarbatusk!" The class gasped at the professor's heavy handed first lesson.

"But professor aren't boarbatusk a little too advanced for first year students? Especially a mother?" The professor simply said "Dear boy do you think the wilds will hold back against you? If nothing else let miss fall decide by herself, what she can handle like a real gentleman!" Roman shouted "Let's see one hit cinder fight!" The rest of team CHAR said ""Kill it in one hit!""

"There you have it! Her team certainly don't underestimate her. Now dear girl when you're ready prepare your weapon, and return!" Cinder smirked "I make my own weapons sir! I'm ready!" Port responded with gusto "Well class we certainly have a confident student with us good show! Now fight!" Finished port while removing the cage bar. The boarbatusk looked at the somewhere in the classroom, and the confident woman said "What afraid little piggy?" Then it charged. But almost as soon as it passed her, she tapped it then it disintegrated. With nary a sound. "Well he was Boar-ing wasn't he HAHAHA!" Port joined in the laughing "AHAHA! Good show my dear! Truly marvelously done!" The class groaned at the two. While cinder thought 'man i get to kill things and get an A+ school rocks!'

Then in professor oblec's class

Everyone was all overwhelmed trying to follow the speed talker. But cinder said "But professor-" oblec interrupted her "Doctor!" Cinder continued "Yes my bad. Doctor oblec, isn't that better known as death stalker freeway! Not ursai pass?" Oblec looked stunned, turned to his map, turned back and said "Yes precisely! I seem to have misplaced myself at my fast pace, thank you for the correction miss fall!" Cinder simply stated "It's a mistake anyone of us could make in the pursuit of knowledge doctor. But the answer your looking for, is that there is no reason. Is it not?" The doctor smiled "Precisely! The only reason it has that name is, that there is no reason! Most assume merchants named it as such to prevent competitors from traveling the same routes! Some cases state schnee dust company merchants used to make themselves look wounded to better protect their routes." He then said "Your homework assignment, is to lead an imaginary caravan through routes to vale. There will be casualties, it's simply unavoidable, but the amount determines your grade!"

Then in the cafeteria at lunch

"You didn't tell us you were a genius cinder!" Cinder smiled when she saw the classmate who questioned her trip because his shoes were tied together, then he screamed. "Ahhh spiders all over me Ahhhhh!" Everyone looked at him confused but cinder got a text *bzzt* she opened it (Me and emerald got the jerk lol, emerald said spiders are a safe bet for phobias! I like her! Also stole his ice cream on his lunch tray) cinder giggled to herself and went for her ice cream, but "huh?" *bzzt* another text came that read (Also yours lol see you after class mom!)

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