The flaming rose of vengeance

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A/N grammar edits

Cinder pov

The next morning cinder woke up in their crapy apartment with a splitting headache "Mama!" Ruby exclaimed from her crib "Ughh i'm here ruby. Oh brothers my head." She changed her diaper while dizzy then took a cold shower. And now awake came back to her room wondering if any of what happened last night was real. Then she saw the note (Hello miss fall i used the last of my power to leave you this note. The spirit bonded to you is extremely volatile and in most circumstances won't come out in daylight. And no rider ever remembers the first night, so hope your body didn't do anything crazy! But all the same hope you enjoy the power of hell!) Then the note tuned to ash.

"Okay don't panic. So i made a deal with the devil. So what! All that matters is ruby and neo are safe... and maybe roman." She calmed herself and looked at her Pyro gem "you're going to be a great woman one day ruby! Neo too, you both will be better then all of us. And i'll murder anyone who tries to hurt you girls." And secretly kissed her head. Then she walked out for breakfast, rolling her eyes at the 7 year old trying to eat ice cream for breakfast.

"Neo!" She said getting her attention then signed [no ice cream for breakfast okay? as much as i adore your disdain for rules, you will ruin your teeth if you only eat sweets] The girl then replied [okay] while sulking back to her cereal. "Well if you want you can eat while watching tv." Then the little girl ran to the living room and the 3 of them all enjoyed the morning. "Where is roman?" The silent ice cream thief signed over her head while ruby crawled on her lap to watch tv [Work]
"Already?" The little girl simply nodded.
Cinder wasn't entirely sure what kind of work he did only knowing it wasn't legal. "Well what say you, me and ruby go see a movie then?" She beamed and signed [really?! Can i pick please!] She smiled at the return of normalcy in her life. "Of course you can kiddo!" She seemed excited and without thinking signed [thanks mom!]

Causing cinder to stare mouth agape at the little girl who ran to her room to change. She couldn't fathom why she signed that "P-p-probably misspoke or something." Said cinder to ruby not understanding how someone could see her as a mom. Ruby dealt the second blow saying "Mama!" Leaving the teenager a completely embarrassed blushing mess. But happy all the same.

Cinder pov After the movie

"Thought that would never be over!" Said cinder jokingly. She secretly enjoyed the movie, about a fish looking for its offspring, and then after grabbing some snacks at the food cart for the two of them, and using her huntress license for a huntsman discount. That's when it happened. "Oh sorry miss excuse me!" Said cinder bumping into a middle aged blond women. "Hmm Oh that's quite alright. Oh here." She said grabbing what cinder dropped "you dropped your license miss... huh?" The blond looked shocked and confused slightly. 'Ok no big deal just give me back my license'

Then the blond handed it back saying "That's a very pretty last name miss rose. And a lovely white cloak as well." Cinder smiled and said "Yeah i get that a lot, and thanks. Let's go girls." After they got a few feet away then something weird happened. "!!!!" Her body froze in a light purple glow. And she flew back towards the women, who looked ready to kill. "Do you also get told, your appearance reminds someone of a girl named summer rose a lot!?" Before cinder could answer ruby said "Mama!" The blond looked whiter then cinders cloak. "R-ruby?" The woman responded. "Kids run!!!" Cinder cried but was rewarded with a hard Slam into the concrete ground by the invisible force holding her.

Thankfully activating her aura in time. "KIDNAPPING AND MURDER!" Screamed the blond, lifting and slamming cinder down again and again. "AND IDENTITY THEFT!" It would appear this woman knew ruby's mother, and was less then pleased by cinders actions. 'Guhhh gotta get out of here oof, this bitch is crazy!' So cinder used her semblance to blow apart the ground beneath her feet, causing the bond telepath to lose her grip. Now free and instead of retaliation, she ran and shielded her girls. Looking over her shoulder she asked "You alright?" Neo nodded and signed [kick her crazy ass!] Cinder smiled and nodded back.

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