A mother's flame vs An heiress's cold resolve!

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Cinder pov

Up, and down. Up, and down. That was what cinder saw as she was doing her new daily push-ups. "Ten, eleven, twelve." She wasn't there mentally though, for her thoughts were elsewhere 'can i really beat winter in her home territory? what if i lose again? will ruby be disappointed in me? will roman be disappointed in me? or will i be disappointed in me?' As the young mother was thinking that, her sweat hit the floor as she absent-mindedly said. "Fifty, fifty one, fifty two." She was in a mental fortress as her body seemed to be doing push-ups on auto pilot. She didn't notice her daughter come in and sit down, that was how deep in thought cinder fall was at the moment.

She then thought 'what will i do if i win? what would ruby want? can i make her feel happy again? can i tell her how much she means to me? what if she sees me lose, how will i be able to face her?' She said outloud. "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred." She did this until she heard a voice break her concentration. "Wow mama! You can do one hundred push-ups!?" Cinder fell on her face in surprise and looked up to see ruby looking amazed like she just saw her punch a mountain apart. "You're so strong!" Cinder got up and flexed her biceps saying. "Gotta have some kind of a gun right kiddo?" Ruby giggled and said. "Mama you sound like what miss raven said is her worst nightmare." Cinder cocked a brow and said. "Come again?" Ruby elaborated. "She said that her daughter and husband are nightmare grimm of humor, what ever that means."

Cinder chuckled and said. "Well they must not be as funny as us then huh?" Ruby giggled and grinned a roman-esq grin and said. "Maybe they just don't have... Striking jokes!" Cinder laughed and so did ruby at the lame attempt at humor the mom and daughter were enjoying on cinders break from her endless thoughts doubts and push-ups that she was currently battling on her own.

After her and ruby bonding a little in the ready room, it was finally time for her scheduled fight with winter schnee. And this time, she wouldn't lose.

Team NVEBR pov Winter vs Cinder

[okay everyone same situation as last time alright? do you all remember your tasks?] The rest of team NVEBR replied. """"Yes captain!"""" Neo smiled and signed [good that's what i'm talking about team!] Ruby smiled and asked. "Talking about?" Neo silently chuckled and signed [jerk] and hit her little sisters shoulder causing the rest of the team to laugh at the sisters antics and humor. The fight was about ready to begin in 30 minutes so the team split into pairs. Neo, Emerald and Velvet to get popcorn and chocolate milk and blake and ruby to go on a bathroom break and find seats.

Blake&Ruby pov

"Hey ruby how are you feeling?" The red head replied. "Um, fine. Why?" Blake then shuffled her feet and said. "Oh, um, it's just a lot of people here and all. And like you're younger and smaller so i kind thought maybe you'd be scared or something. That's all." Ruby smiled kindly at the older faunus girl and then noticed her shaking hands and sweaty forehead and shifty eyes. 'is blake afraid of crowds?' Ruby then went. "Eeeek!" Blake's pupils dilated and she said. "What!?" Ruby then started whimpering and said. "It's just this crowd is so big and i was just playing brave but i'm really scared right now. Can i hold your hand?"

The faunus girl looked relieved and then went. "Ahem! Um, yeah whatever that's cool!" And all but snatched ruby's hand into her own and pulled the younger girl as close as possible without them being conjoined twins. "Oh, um. Thanks blake you're a real cool cat!" Blake snorted lightly at ruby's odd sense of humor and said. "Yeah and you're not so bad for a human." Ruby then replied. "Hey isn't that from that science fiction movie dad watched?" Blake shot her down. "No idea what you're talking about." Ruby then said. "Yes you do! The one we watched while hidden! The one with the scary bug like things and the soldiers?" Blake added. "Not a cool what you are talking about in the slightest. Now let's go!" And then blake began dragging ruby behind her.

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