Newsflash. Damage control

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A/N called raven the summer maiden sry my mistake.

Cinder pov

"Uh oh, this is bad." Roman walked over saying. "What?" She showed him the headline on her scroll. (Newsflash! Local vacuo couple the scarlatinas arrested for child abuse, reckless endangerment and neglect. Human and faunus hate issues are at an all time high, will the white fang strike us down in cold blood?) He pulled away saying. "Isn't the velvet girl named scarlatina?" Cinder nodded. "What do you need me to do Cinder?" She looked at him, and said. "Take neo, kali, ruby, blake and ghira to the beach. Let me take em, and velvet."

He nodded. "I'll take the bimbos too." He was referring to heather and alice, she didn't like that she turned him against them. But he insisted that if she was his girlfriend now, then he'd stick with her. A fact which pleased her to no small degree. "Got it, play nice though." He grinned his signature grin, saying. "Oh, i'm the nicest guy ever sweetheart." Then he left. "Idiot." Cinder said, smiling

After getting to velvets room, cinder knocked lightly. "It's me girls can i come in?" There was a squeal and after some movement they said. ""Come in!"" Cinder entered and found them in very forced natural positions. "What are you hiding. If you tell me now, there won't be any punishment. Take it or leave it." They looked panicked, and velvet said. "It was my idea!" Followed by emerald exclaiming. "Don't listen to her it was mine!" Cinder thought. 'ha i taught emerald well' Cinder then said. "Okay girls, out with it."

Emerald hesitated, then produced a brown baby bunny with a missing, bandaged leg and a blind white eye with a scratch over the brow. With tears in her eyes she said. "We snuck out last night to play, and we came across her." Cinder held her hands out, and took the injured creature. "She has a missing leg, like ruby and an eye that's different like neo, she's dark like me, a bunny like velvet and her good eye is gold like blake." Cinder smiled saying. "And you thought?" Velvet replied. "We thought she'd make a great mascot."

Cinder held the shaking little creature, and said. "Girls, i'm very disappointed in you." They both looked sad and ashamed, and cinder said. "Because we need to get her food and a cage." They looked so shocked and they asked simultaneously. ""We can keep her!"" Cinder said, while smirking. "Yeah, i'm not a heartless bitch. You did the right thing." They both ran and hugged her, and emerald said. "Thank you mom!" Cinder bent down and said. "Velvet i actually came to tell you something. It's gonna be kinda scary though okay?"

The girl looked confused and said. "Okay, what's going on miss fall?" Cinder gave her the scroll and waited a few minutes. The girl dropped the scroll and ran to the bed crying. Cinder looked at emerald and signed. [guard the door] Emerald nodded and left. She walked over towards the girl, and just layed on her bed beside her. Velvet turned and hugged cinder while sobbing. "I don't wanna leave miss cinder. I don't want anyone else, why can't they just fix my parents!" Cinder hurt deep inside. 'YOU POSSESS GREAT TRAUMA YOUNG CINDER, YET YOU PERSEVERE, WHY?' Cinder responded mentally. 'because if i stop i might become something evil. or worse hurt my family'

The deep almost ethereal reverberating mental voice replied. 'I WAS A GREAT EVIL ONCE, BUT... OVER MILLENIA OF MY SOUL BEING PASSED TO ONE PERSON, THEN THE NEXT. IT MADE ME FEEL... INSIGNIFICANT, I SHARE A HIVE MIND WITH ALL THE INFINITE ME'S ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE HOST THUS FAR OF THE ONE'S I'VE SEEN' She smiled and thought. 'thank you zarathos, maybe we could use that to help velvet'

"My real mama and daddy never even gave me a chance you know. I never got to know why they gave me up." That got velvets attention, and she asked. "Do you want to?" Cinder lied, and said. "No, you see... sometimes it's better for a kid to take some time to grow up." She sat up saying. "Listen up velvet, i want to make you a promise okay? I will do everything in my power to give your mama the tools to get help." Velvet responded. "Really!? You'd do that for me?" Cinder nodded and said. "But! If she doesn't use them, then you will have to live with it, it's the worst feeling in the world... trust me i know. But if she won't fight for you or herself, then she was never your mom."

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