In the heat of battle

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A/N edits to grammer and cinder vs the madame and rhoads fight timline.

Cinder pov The emerald forest cliffside

After the auditorium gathering they had groups, line up and go to the cliffside of the emerald forest. Ozpin then said with ruby and neo next to him. "You're objective of the day is to find the puzzle pieces, and come back safe." The group cinder was a part of all looked excited. 'Don't these idiots realize this is a real life threatening mission? And gah! Neo looks sooo cute with ruby in her vest!' Cinder thought while observing her group 'but thank the gods roman is here, maybe we can finally see him kick some ass! He always claimed i stole all the fights because he had to protect the girls, but poor boy can't understand the practicality of me in a fight!' She called over to him.

"Hey roman try not to drag your fights on too long, i would hate to save your ass!" Too which he chuckled and said "Ha we both know i finish fast!" That got the whole class laughing "N-No wait that's not what i meant you idiots." Said roman trying to repair his image, "Oh don't worry roman-" *snrk* "-i'm sure they'll give you enough Bang! For your cane!" That got even ozpin to chuckle and neo to sign [I don't get it, what's so funny?] much to the dismay of headmistress glynda, who chided "Headmaster don't encourage them! There are children present! Anyways students settle down and prepare for launch!" Roman added "Thank you miss goodwitch, it's nice to know someone respects me." To which glynda replied "Alright good luck mister torchwick don't-" *pfft* "-go off! Too early."

"Ughhh, this is my life now huh? Could've been a master theif or something but noooo." Roman complained. Then ozpin said "Oh and whoever you see first will be your partner for the next 4 years." Everyone looked alarmed at that but he simply continued "Alright godspeed children, launch the students." He declared letting neo press the red button. Then one by one they started flying. Cinder looked over to roman and mockingly winked with a spark of fire. "!!!!" Which seemed to make him shiver a bit 'HA! I'm still scary!' Thought the 16 year old not understanding the reason he shivered and blushed a little bit. Looking at her girls neo signed [Don't burn down the pretty forest and scare ruby] Cinder looked at her giving neo a smirk and a flaming thumbs up.

Then it was cinder who launched into the sky, "WOOOOHOOOO!!!" She screamed excitedly, knowing that ozpin let the girls watch her kick some grinm ass she decided to show off a little bit. Seeing where roman was headed she pointed her hands and feet behind her and thought 'nobody said we couldn't use our semblance or in my case spirit for rigging our partnership' *Btooom* she propelled through the air and flew right into him ""Ooof!"" Then they tumbled to the ground, hitting various different branches on the way down, and finally roman landed on a rock. And cinder in a pile of leaves. ""Oooh my back/ass!"" They both complained simultaneously. "Note to self-" *CRACK* "-practice maneuverability in flight!" She said arching her aching back. "Gee ya think!?" He said walking a little funny.

Cinder&roman pov emerald forest test

"Well at least it's us vs them. Just like old times huh!" That got roman to smile lightly at the slightly silly murderous firework in front of him. "Yeah firework us vs them." He said giving her a sly wink. Which caused her to feel a little warmer 'Please how could a wink change my temperature, that makes no sense! It's probably just the hellfire or something' but "Let's go show these morons what a true team is!"

She then ran toward the mountain of a rocky cliffside that sat across from where they came from. "Oh no ya don't firework the first ones mine!" Roman yelled after her, only hearing her truly laughing freely for the first time since he met her. 'Girl has a great laugh' roman thought then seeing her launch toward a grimm, and literally light her arms on fire! And make two knives connected by a chain out of nothing. "Didn't she need something to use as a base though?" Said roman to himself. "Nah she probably had sand on her or something! Nobody can magically make knives and a chain from nothing!" He then launched a dust flare yelling "Heads up firework!"

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