A beacon of hope? Or despair?

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A/N grammar edits and style changes.

Cinder pov Beacon academy

Her first day! Well it's a month before school starts but still! Cinder was sitting in her bed with ruby and neo, inside their personal dorm. Her newly assigned scroll ringed, so she answered. "Huntress in training cinder fall!" The voice on the other end laughed lightly saying. "You don't need to answer your calls like that miss fall, we are not the military, no matter what James says about it." She assumed that was someone the headmaster knew. "But i was calling to let you know the last of your demands have been met and all your former crimes necessary... or otherwise have been expunged. Congratulations dear girl you are free." That made her feel like weeping but the small side of her that was still sharpened by her life prevented such a reaction.

"Thank you, uh... sir?" He laughed again. "You're really not good at social interaction are you miss fall. But regardless please report to the faculty office someone wishes to speak to you." Then the line went dead. "Jerk-face!" Said cinder now watching her language. Why because ruby learned her second word proving to be her new favorite thing to say, which kinda irked her mama! But yesterday was when it happened.

Cinder pov moving in to dorm

She sat down after bringing what little they actually owned, the small size making her grateful and sad that she wasn't giving neo and ruby everything they'd deserve to have. A fact she apologized to neo for but the girl only signed. [don't apologize. It made me appreciate the small sentimental things like the stuff me and little ruby got for our birthday's! I'd rather you be my m-mom then a schnee and have everything but the important things] that made cinder smile and quietly say. "I'd rather you be my daughter then some stuck up heiress too, thank you s-sweetie!" Both girls getting used to terms of endearment.

"But what about you ruby! You excited about living with me and your new big sister neo!?" Then the baby started making weird sounds and faces before they heard her say. "Sssis ne?" Both girls were shocked. "[!!!!]" Cinder squealed and said. "Yes ruby that's sis ne!" And ruby crawled on neos lap and said. "Sis ne!" Cinder couldn't get enough of the heartwarming ruby saying her second favorite word... at least she thought that now.

Cinder pov Beacon academy present

"Come on ruby say mama!" The little girl simply said. "Sis ne!" Cinder cried internally at loosing to her new daughter. But kept strong saying. "Watch your sister neo i'll be back!" Getting a [sis ne is on the job captain!] Cinder smiled rolling her eyes at the girls that gave her back a true part of herself. Then she headed towards the faculty office and entered, finding this qrow guy and miss Goodbitch. "Ahem! We were informed of everything by the headmaster. And while resorting to violence was unbecoming of me. You did steal my friends identity and cape. However ozpin showed us the test proving that ruby is your baby so i'm sorry about the mix-up." Cinder replied flatly. "I'm not. I used summers identity to keep my baby safe. And she lost hers, which kinda broke me finding out that her baby had the same name, a part of the 15 year old girl i was died inside burning the pair. And knowing that it could have been me and my ruby."

The man qrow asked. "And the ones who did it?" She informed him. "Decapitated and heart pierced. I think they were extremely skilled-" said Cinder lying about the lesser men who downed a true huntress. "-miss rose took their auras down as she probably lost hers and kept on fighting to the bitter end... she was your friend wasn't she?" He simply nodded. "Here!" she said giving him the cloak, while attaching the clasp to her hip. "Please give it to her family and this." She gave him the license. "Please inform them that summer rose fought valiantly until the end, and that while it was wrong, her death let me and my family survive the journey here to vale. I... i wanted to do it myself but honestly i'm scared."

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