A point where it tips. A point where it breaks

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United pov

After going on the road for 9 days, the group finally found the area of the missing village a large mountain area. "Ok me and roman are going to check the village, you girls look around here for any clues got it?" All five girls saluted. "Good, come now roman." So roman said while walking away. "If someone or something tries to hurt you, kill it, or maim it. That's an official order of a senior huntsman in training." The girls looked a bit scared at the thought, but still saluted. "See ya!" Then roman ran to cinder.

Team NVEBR pov

Neo signed. [okay focus ladies, there are missing people who need us. we need to look for signs or clues, on where they went.] The girls replied. """"Right!"""" Neo continued. [like dad said we can kill anything bad, but i want to avoid that outcome as much as possible. so me and em, will use our semblanceses together. if danger is still persistent. then we all fight as one no solo acts] the group nodded at their team leader. [and lastly, ruby and blake will be visible. but you will look like faunus, ruby has the fake ears we made last year. if anyone tries to hurt two lost little girls, they're probably enemies. velvet you will work on covering my back okay?] Velvet replied. "Yes ma'am! After all i have the best hearing."

Neo smirked. [that's the spirit. okay team NVEBR let's save some people] the team all verbally replied. """"Yeah!""""
Ruby then asked. "Um what's that black stuff?" She pointed towards the sky just above some trees. "That's smoke!" Exclaimed emerald. [alright girls, it's either a clue or a fire. either way let's go] and so team NVEBR proceeded to the smoke, once they got close they realized that it was coming from a house. "Okay let's go ruby, maybe someone found shelter, or is hurt." Blake said. Ruby replied. "Let's see if they need help!" So they entered the house. "Hello? We got lost in the woods and are looking for help." No reply came, except the crackling of a fireplace.

So nodding to the hidden 3 behind them, they looked at each other and nodded. Each resting a hand on the hilt of their swords, in a way that didn't promise aggression, but said we won't be victims. Then they proceeded in further. And finally they saw something shocking. "Gotta have dinner. Gotta have dinner." They saw an older faunus woman. Maybe kali's age, but something wasn't right. "Um, excuse me miss? Could we ask you some questions?" The woman turned towards them, and blake felt fear. The woman's eye's were red! Not like emeralds but full red. Her face looked shallow and dirty with black inky veins around her eyes, her skin like leather hide. In a raspy voice thick with pain, she looked at the two and said. "Gotta have dinner. Gotta have dinner."

Then she picked up her fire axe, and started shambling her way towards the two. Blake drew her sword, pointing at the woman and said. "Stop right there, we will cut you." But the woman kept on moving, now glaring while tightly holding the axe. "Raaaggh!" Screamed the woman as she charged blake and ruby. "Stay back!" Screamed ruby drawing her sword. But right then, the woman was upon ruby, holding her axe high in a cleaving motion. But before the little girl died. *Chop!* The woman woman brought her axe hand down, except there wasn't a hand or axe there anymore. Her wrist revealed, a bloody stump, that upon inspection curiously wasn't bleeding.

"Rah?" Said the creature that was once a woman. *whistle* The creature looked up, and with a *stab!* The creatures face and head, had a rapier in it. The thing stood for a minute, before it started literally dissolving in a puddle of viscera. "Ewwww!" The thing that was just attacking them, now was a black chunky puddle of goop. And it smelled like death. "Okay, what the hell was that!" Screamed velvet. "It was like a chill. You know from the fairy-tale." Said em. "But that's just a legend! It's not supposed to be real!" Exclaimed blake. Neo signed. [evidently it is real, we need to warn mom and dad] Ruby replied after trying to call them. "They aren't answering!" Blake replied. "I can't get ahold of them either!" Velvet and em said. ""Neither can we!""

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