A chance encounter with destiny

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Cinder pov

The girls were scared. Scared of what? They're scared of her. This one irrefutable fact, made cinder crave a way to kill the man who did this to them. 'no... i did this to them, in my selfish want for power, i pushed away the one thing i had. now they fear me' Then another part of her said 'but fear is good! fear means i'm in control of them! it's right!'

Cinder fall was currently battling her inner desire to conquer others. To dominate. To possess. Never before has she felt so scared, so alone. Until finally emerald said. "Um i'm not sure. Nobody reads me fairy-tales. Why?" Cinder cried, but hid it by looking up at the moon. 'don't let them see weakness. i'm strong! powerful!'

"After we got to vale, after neos 7th birthday. I went for a walk, and met a man called mephistopheles. He said some ridiculous things. Talking about different dimensions or something. He... he prayed on my desires... for power over others." Neo and emerald looked confused, their mom never tried to gain power over them. Cinder noticed their looks and said. "I hid it well. The school... it's the reason i'm number one, in every subject... not because of a desire for knowledge. Or heroic selflessness. But because i can be better then everyone."

Cinder paused then continued. "After mephistopheles had said he could give me godlike power at no cost. Just to piss off the brothers, who govern this universe. I only thought... that i wouldn't be weak anymore. Not about you or roman... or ruby. I thought about me." The girl's spoke "[mom?]" But cinder snapped, with eyes on fire. "QUITE!"

The girls recoiled at her demand. "I'm... i'm sorry. That wasn't... girls. I'm not a good human being. I thought if i did the right thing by abusing my power, i could make you powerful as well. The thing he made me is called, the ghost rider. It apparently was the strongest warrior of hell. And ozpin thinks i'm the fall maiden from the fairy-tale." Cinder turned towards them. "I'm sorry my arrogance did this to you. If... if you want to. You can live with roman. He is well and above a good person. I just wish you didn't see that side of me."

Neopolitan&Emerald pov

Neo was questioning all of life. Apparently god's and devil's were real. And her mom of all people, was something called the ghost rider. But she noticed something that didn't make sense. 'if she was selfish and a bad person like she said... why was she doing all this to protect us? does she know she only used these powers to protect us. when that scorpion guy moved towards us, that's when she went crazy... the same thing happened, with miss glynda'

Emerald looked conflicted. Apparently god's and devil's were real. And her mother could become a ghost rider? But emerald noticed something. 'mom is crying. she is burning the tears into steam, but she's crying. how could she be a bad person, if her family was always her first thought. she saved us, not just once either. maybe somebody hurt her so bad she has a hard time thinking she's good enough... like me'

So emerald said "I'm proud of you mom!" That made cinder look, shocked and confused. Emerald added. "If what you said about us being your, kindness strength and comfort, is true. Then you can be our fury. You said the way of the warrior is of mind as much as blade. So, if you use your evil powers to help others mindfully. Then they won't be evil anymore right?"

Neo nodded and signed. [yeah like how robin hood is just a criminal, but it's how he committed his crimes that made him a good person] Then both girls grabbed ruby and hugged their mom. "Please don't ever think you're a bad person mom. We all love you no matter what you are."

Cinder pov

Cinder fall was currently the saddest and happiest woman alive. 'they love me no matter what? why?... you know what! mephistopheles. i'm going to make sure no crazy god's or devil's will touch this world again and if you try and stop me i'll show you what happens when you hurt my family!'

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