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"Oh, Harry..."

Louis arches his back as Harry sucks right below his jaw. His knot thrusting inside Louis' tight heat.

"Such a bad Omega you are Louis...moaning my name when you just got engaged with my brother huh!"

Louis pulls on his hands that were tied to the bed moaning as he feels the not swelling inside him.

"Fuck you Styles!"

And Harry cums inside him moaning loudly not caring to keep his voice low as he has a soundproof room.

Outside the party was still going on and Louis' parents were looking for him but the prince is busy cuming.

"Fuckk baby" Harry falls on top of him moaning as his knots ties inside of Omega. Louis groans and pulls on his hands to get them free.

"Harry my arms!" He whines and Harry lifts his head to look at the pretty Omega. He circles his finger over the omega's perky nipple and then trails it up to his neck.

He puts his finger in louis' mouth and says, "you're pretty...." Louis sucks on the fingers that were adored by golden rings, Harry smirks as he continued "pretty annoying"

Louis bites on his finger and he hisses removing it, "oww that's mean!" Louis rolls his eyes and starts squirming.

"Let my hands go Harry!"

"Beg for it!"

Louis groans but it soon turn into a whine when Harry licks his nipples keeping his green eyes on him. "Fuck Harry, I wanna touch you! Please open my hands Alpha!"

Harry was satisfied by that and he opens his hands and throws the Gucci handcuffs across the room and lays down next to Louis after pulling out of him when his knot was free.

Louis turns and lays on top of him and strokes Harry's broad chest closing his eyes as he relaxed. Harry was staring at the ceiling deep in thought when he keeps up, "you remember how we started this?"

Louis mumbles, "started what?" Harry slowly pushes him off him and sits up running his fingers through his hair he says, "started fucking! Ofc what else I'll ask about"

Louis signs and keeps his hands behind his head as he admires Harry's broad back muscles flexing. "Ofc I remembered it..."

*3 months earlier*

"This is so wrong...fuck you're so delicious..." Harry mumbles as he dips his head down and takes Louis' bottom lip in his mouth sucking it while Louis moans tangling his fingers in Harry's curly hair.


Harry pants as he pulls back and looks at Louis, hair wild sitting on top of the kitchen counter in just his shorts... he's so pretty!

Harry traces Louis's swollen red lips and mumbles, "God, what did we just do!" He moves back and runs his hand through his hair looking around to make sure no one saw it.

Louis takes a deep breath and leans back on his hands looking at Harry, "whatever we did alpha...I liked it very much!"

Harry looks at him and shakes his head, "you know we can't do this!"

"Why can't we do this?" Louis asks tilting his head to the side and Harry signs rubbing his face he takes a deep breath looking at Louis he says,

"My brother likes you! Since the day he saw you at that Ball he talks nothing but everything about you. I didn't believe him at first but when I met you last night...at your birthday party...you took my breath away omega"

Louis blushes and looks down saying, "at least you have the guts to say it on my face. Your brother is so shy, he doesn't even look at me when he talks!"

Harry chuckles, "yeah, he's always been the shy one. But I love him so much Louis, I can do anything for him...but I don't why my alpha is saying to have you all to myself" Harry whispers as he walks closer to Louis.

Louis breaths in the husky scent of Alpha and whispers back, "maybe it's just lust?" Harry breaths in the sweet scent of omega as he rests his head on Louis's forehead.

"Yes, it's just lust..."

Little did both of them know... it's gonna turn into more than lust if they continued it...

and they did...

"We promised each other we'll stop it after a month Louis...but it's been three fucking months!" Harry groans as he grabs his hair.

Louis frowns and sits up, "are you blaming me, Harry? Do you think I lured you into this?" Harry immediately turns and grabs his hands.

"What-no! Not at all. I didn't say it at all. I just mean that... you're a drug Louis...and I'm so fucking addicted..." And there he crashes his lips with those pink ones.

Louis signs and immediately relaxes once he felt Harry's arms pulling him in his arms he melts into the kiss.

After making out for a while Louis pulls back panting, Harry strokes his cheek and gives him a last pec on the lips before getting off the bed.

"Are we...gonna stop this?" Louis asks not daring to meet Harry's eyes as he was getting dressed.

Harry wears his shirt and looks at Louis sitting in his bed, naked for him and smelling like him...

Then he looks at his ring finger where there was a diamond ring shining...he belongs to his brother...

"We have to end this Louis... it's better now than later..."

If you can, you could have heard the cry of louis' omega. The pain in his chest...it shouldn't pain this much...it was just lust...right?

"Alright, as you say, Harry..."

This hurt will fade eventually...and hopefully before Louis gets married to Timmy.

He watches as Harry wears his clothes and leaves without looking at Louis...not even a glance.

He falls into his bed and snuggles in his pillows trying to convince himself that lust is what drew them together and fate is what's pulling them away...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now