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Louis signs and leans on his hands as he stared at himself in the mirror. Those dull blue eyes staring back into his soul.

He looks at his neck his bond mark was supposed to be. No Timmy didn't mated louis as per his wish. They wanted to wait for some more years and then mate.

He regrets his decision so much now. All the decisions he's ever made till now have caused nothing but pain and sadness to him.

He takes a deep breath before grabbing towel and wrapping it around his waist goes to his room.

As he opens his bathroom door his room was opened and Harry walks in. He stills as soon as he steps inside.

Louis looks at him with wide eyes going still as well. Harry's eyes travelled from louis' face to his bare chest and-fuck he got boobs!

Like not full on boobs that needed a bra but big enough to fit in Harry's hands-what the fuck is he thinking!

He immediately looks away his face turning red as louis goes back in the bathroom, "What the fuck Harry!"

"Uh-i um-i'm sorry i just-i'll come later-" with that harry immediately leaves closing the door behind him.

Louis breaths out and comes out straight going to his closet to get dressed.

Harry slaps his forehead, he just embarrassed himself right now. And now that glorious image of omega' sinful body won't leave his mind.

He's confused tho, "how did he got boobs?" He wonders to himself then shakes his head when he realised he's talking to himself.

He waits outside until louis opens his room door himself looking down. "You can come i-"

"I'm so sorry Louis, i didn't meant to walk in. I didn't knew you were naked-i knocked but you didn't answered so i got worried and i walked in-"

"Its alright al-uhem Harry...come in." Louis moves to side and lets Harry walk in. He pulls on his sweater down shyly, he's very self conscious.

Harry gets in and looks at louis looking all cute on his Mickey mouse sweater and black sweats. "Uh..i didn't bought any clothes actually. My suitcases were sent to my jet and... All i have is shirt and jeans so..."

Louis nods, "yeah you can borrow tim-" he stops. Should he let him borrow his husband's clothes?

Harry looks at him with green big eyes so familiar with Rylee's.

"You can see in closet, what fits you..." Louis finally says and Harry nods going to the closet.

"I'll be downstairs!"

He doesn't know why he let harry know where he'll be but he leaves as soon as he can.

He goes to the dining room and finds Rylee already at the table eating her lunch, "Hey love!" He kisses her head and sits next to him.

"Hey momma, where's Harry?"

"Upstairs" he mumbles serving himself lunch. Rylee nods and keeps on eating.

Harry soon joins them. Louis keeps quiet the whole time while Rylee was full on telling her life story to Harry who wasn't complaining at all.

"Rylee, take a nap dear." Louis says but Rylee whines shaking her head. "Yes you have to, look at your tired eyes!" Louis points out and she widens them making Harry giggle at her.

"Nope, not working. You still have to take a nap with me!" Louis says standing up and goes to her up but she rans and jumps in Harry's lap who holds him tightly.

"You'll fall, princess be careful!" He holds her and she hugs him pouting hiding her face kn his chest.

Louis signed, "Rylee..."


"Don't worry louis. I'll take care of her. You can go take a nap, I'll put her to sleep." Harry whispered the last line and louis nods going to his room while rubbing his eyes.

He really needs a nap right now.

"So Rylee now-"

"Let's watch a movie!"

"Okay! As you say princess..."


When Louis wakes up it was already dinner time, he wasn't hungry tho. He lays in bed staring at the ceiling. He can't hear Rylee that means she's asleep.

He turns over and lays on his stomach grabbing his phone. He scrolls through his and Timmy's pictures replaying the memories in his head.

He suddenly remembers a thing that he bought from his home-parents- he gets off bed and goes to his bag kneeling down he starts digging in it.

He pulls out his diary that he hasn't wrote anything in seven years. He goes and gets back in bed with a pen and starts writing.

Dear diary,

I have no idea why life is treating me this way. I don't know if its me or my fate that hates my happiness.

First, i lost Harry and got Timmy. I fell for harry but was technically forced to love Timmy.

Then i lost Timmy and got Harry...whom i still love.

The only happiness in my life is Rylee...

I don't know what future has planned for me, neither am i excited to look forward to it.

I'll just... keep going with the flow, it is what its supposed to be


P.s: and today harry saw me nearly naked in seven years!

He closes his book and keeps it in the drawer of the nightstand. He gets off bed to go in his room closet. He has to pack for tomorrow.

He was in the closet when Harry came in-after knocking first. Louis calls out that he's in closet.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Harry looks at all the clothes on the floor. Louis signs and looks at him, "packing for tomorrow. We'll stay at yours for a few days then I'll look for some other places-"

"You're moving to London?"

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now