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*Two days later*

Louis was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling. He glances at the window, it was open and moonlight was coming inside lightening the dark room.

He gets up from bed and goes to sits on the window seat. He looks at the moon and signs leaning back on the wall.

"I'm getting married tomorrow...funny how I'm not even excited!"

He's talking to himself, but that's something that calms him. He pulls his knees to his chest and closes his eyes thinking the first tine he net Timmy.


"What is such a beautiful omega doing here all by himself?"

Louis up at the handsome alpha who was grinning at him. He gives him a smile back and says, "Ball parties are boring!"

That alpha chuckles and takes a seat beside louis who keeps his empty wine glass down, "can i know your name?"

Louis was surprised he heard nervousness in his voice, well he just flirted right?

"I'm Louis Tomlinson"

"I'm Timothy chalamet"

They both shook hands without knowing they're gonna be tied into a bond called marriage!

*Flashback ends*

He opens his eyes and looks at his hands, they were sweaty and red from clenching hard. It happens always, whenever he thinks about Timmy he gets nervous.

Even tho he's very bold and confident usually, but when its about his future husband he gets mixed feelings.

Timmy is nice, sweet and kind but unfortunately Louis prefers totally opposite. Bad, rough abd intimidating!

He goes to his desk and looks at his diary, he still hasn't put it in the things he'll take with him and that's not something he's planning to as well.

He opens a specific page which was marked by a dry rose. He looks at the little paragraph he wrote that day about Timmy and the first time Tim told him his feelings.

Dear diary,

Today i was roaming around the forest with Timmy (i actually invites harry but he said he's busy and sent Timmy in his place) so i was just roaming when he called me pretty. It went something like,

"You look so pretty-"

"Oh, Timothy! Say something i don't know duh"

"I love you..."

I was shocked! The first that came in my mind was Harry. But we agreed to just be friends with benefits so i didn't had much choice left after when he sid those words...i was silent.

But what's the most shocking and important thing was that, he got on his knee after that and pulled out a ring and said "will you marry me pretty Omega?"

I was lost in my thoughts and without waiting for a second i said Yes...

Anyways love always wins over lust! And what's between Harry and me is lust and love is what's about to begin between me and Timmy


And oh...he was so wrong!

The rose that was kept in the diary was the same rose Timmy gave him that day. Louis regrets every life decisions he made including this one!

He closed the diary and hugs it to his chest. This was only page written about Timmy and timmy only. The rest of the pages are filled with Harry and still louis said Yes to that proposal that day...such a dumb omega he is...

He gets up and goes towards the boxes that were kept in his closet. Everything was empty, his bathroom, closet, cupboards. he won't live here from tomorrow...

He kneels down and keeps the diary in one of the boxes and shuts it taping it close. He looks at the words written on that box,


He won't be taking these boxes with him, they'll be here at his Home.

He signs and gets up going back to bed when there was a knock on his door. He frowns and looks at the clock it was past twelve.

"Who's there?"

"It's me..."


"Come in" he mumbles sitting on his bed pulling up the duvets. His mum came in and closed the door behind her walking to him, he kept his eyes down.

"Can't sleep?" She asks and he nods without looking up. She signs and keeps her hand on louis' "Louis... please talk to me"

Since that breakfast morning, he hasn't talked to anyone. He gave all the responsibility of selecting the suit and jwels to Zayn, he know he can choose better than him.

His mom and dad has been trying to talk to him, but he's been shutting himself.

"What do you want me to say?"


Louis closed his eyes, this was expected. He can never lie to his mom. No matter what situation he is in.

"Are you happy louis?"

He immediately nods, his eyes still closed and head bend down. His mum shakes ger head, "No Louis, look up into my eyes and say it"

He takes a deep breath and looks up into his mom's similar blue eyes. "No mom...how will i be happy when tomorrow I'll have to leave my parents and stay with someone else for the rest of my life..."

"Oh louis" she pulls him in his arms and he signs keeping his head on her shoulder, "When we love that 'someone' we're gonna be the rest of the life with, happiness is just a step ahead it Louis."

Well that's the problem...love is no where near them.

"Can i ask you something?" Louis says moving back and rubbing his eyes. His mom nods and he continues, "Is love possible after marriage?"

"Yes it is. But if you're already in love with someone else then it'll be hard, it'll take time...more than we think we can to move on. But its not impossible"

He nods and gives her a smile, "i think I'll be fine..."

His mother smiled at him, she strokes his cheek whispering "you grew up so fast..."

He chuckles and looks down, "I'm still your boo bear mom, right?" She nods and hugs him.

"You'll always be..."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now