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"You're moving to London?"

The happiness in Harry's voice was masked by his surprise. Louis nods and looks down at Timmy's shirt that he's holding.

"Here Rylee will be alone and think about timmy all day. I can't see her sad Harry, its her childhood that she's gonna miss in future. I want to make it memorable..." He keeps Timmy's shirt away frowning as he says, "i don't know how I'll do it alone"

"You're not alone Louis, you have me!"

Louis looks up at him and harry stumbles upon his words, "i-i mean me, your parents and friends!"

Louis shakes his head, "no one stay forever Harry... except your mate or loved one?" He sounds like he was questioning himself.

"Louis..." Harry comes to him and kneels down next to him. Louis tenses, he doesn't likes the closeness its making him nervous.


"Give me a chance Louis... please, just a chance to prove that i can be a perfect Alpha for you..."

Louis can't and don't want to believe his ears. He never thought this situation would come where harry will ask for a chance!

"What're you saying Harry!"

The panic and anger in louis' eyes were clear that Harry said it at the wrong time. He immediately holds louis' shoulders, "Louis, Louis! Look at me?"

Louis does, he looks into those green eyes. His vision getting blurry with his tears.

"We won't rush things. I-i just want to make you happy. I know what happened in the past... shouldn't have happened and i am sorry-"

Louis shakes his head and removes Harry's hands from his shoulders, "i don't need your apology Harry and neither do i need your pity. I'm a strong omega who can take care of my daughter myself! I'm just moving to London so she's have a new surroundings and make new friends so she can forget this pain we're going through..."

Louis takes a deep breath, "and in this 'we' you are not included..."

Harry's chest was tight he felt like he couldn't speak. He wants to make things work between them but he's choosing the wrong time.

"Louis, i understand you. I really do trust me! I want nothing but your and Rylee's happiness. I know how much a father's figure matter in a child's life. And i don't want Rylee to think that she's alone..."

Louis knows this is going in wrong direction... Harry knows it too but this time he lets his heart get over his mind.

"Louis, please move in with me..." Harry cups louis' jaw and wipes his tears that kept falling,  "please let me give Rylee what she lost...i know you don't want me to but she needs someone Louis"

Louis sobs...he covers his mouth and sobs. Cause its truth, no matter how hard he tries to give Rylee whatever she wants or needs at the end of the day she'll think back to what she doesn't have...her father.

Harry immediately pulls him in his arms hugging him tightly. He doesn't ever want to ket him go, never ever again. All these years he's been mourning and blaming himself for choosing his brother over his live but it was fate...

It's not forbidden for them to be together anymore...

"If you don't want to make me your Alpha, its fine. I understand and i really want you to think about it. So please take your time louis, I'm not forcing you...i just want you back..."

Harry pulls back and cups louis' face as he was trying to breath through his sobs. Louis looks into his green eyes breathing heavily, "i want my omega back"

Louis closes his eyes as harry rests his forehead against his, louis takes a deep shaky breath. That same alpha' husky scent calming him down like a magic spell is on him.

"Y-you said you only wanted me for my body-"

"I lied...so that you can move on from me and stay with Timmy happily!" Harry says moving a little back to look into louis' eyes.

"And i did...i lived with him happily. I love him...i still do, I'll always do. I don't know if I'll ever stop...but Harry it's not that easy" he says moving back while shaking his head.

"I know its hard...but you're strong, I know you Louis. i know how much pain you've been through and it's all my fault-"

"Don't you ever blame yourself Harry!" Louis says sniffing as he wipes hist ears away taking a breath finally calming down, "it's fate what's should be blamed. No one else..."

Harry nods, "no one else..."

Louis keeps his eyes on him. They both stare into each other eyes. They both have the same emotions and feelings they had for eachother years ago... nothing has changed.

"Will he be happy if he knew about...us" louis asks and his eyes flickers from Harry's eyes to his lips for a second.

Harry licks his dry lips keeping his gaze on louis he whispered, "He wants your happiness Louis...tell me where do you find it? Where do you and Rylee think you'll be happy? "


And without thinking for another second they closed the space between them. Their lips collide and their body relaxed.

Harry's arms wraps around louis' waist and pulls him close to him. Louis' arms flew to wrap them over Harry's neck.

They both tilted their head to get a better taste of eachother. Louis takes a sharp breath moving back and looks into those green orbs.

"Two months Harry..." Harry frowns as Louis strokes his jaw looking into his eyes, "you have two months to prove me that you'll never leave me again. Two months to show me the love all you have for me...and Rylee"

Louis leans forward resting his head on Harry's forehead, "Be a father that Rylee needs and..." He kissed those plumpy pink lips of Harry's continuing as they brush against his,

"and a Alpha for me..."

"Alright, as you say Louis..."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now