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Harry hangs up and keeps his phone away breathing out. Louis and Rylee were in the kitchen and he was in the bedroom, he just finished talking to liam.

After explaining him everything, including the dead of Evelyn also at the end liam said he can do as much as he's capable of.

He goes in kitchen and saw louis wiping Ryle' face as she finished eating breakfast. "Good morning Rylee!" Harry says and sits next to him.

"Good morning Harry! You know Harry, i had a dream where mommy marry you!"

Louis keeps the empty plates in the sink and signs as Harry raises his eyebrow saying, "Really?"

Rylee nods and she was smiling it means she's happy with it...but again it was just a dream.

"What did liam say?" Louis asks as Rylee goes to her room to bring her toys.

Harry signs, "He said he'll track that number and do as much as he's capable of..."

Louis hums, "did he called us there?" He asks.

"He didn't said anything about it but maybe after he finds out from where that message was sent." Harry says as he pushes his curls back and louis nods.

Rylee walks in holding her favourite stuffed toy, "Momma, hazza let's watch a movie!"

"Ofc Princess!"


Rylee was asleep on Harry's shoulder cuddling him. Louis smiles looking at them and grabs his ohone clicking their picture.

Harry smiles and pulls Rylee on his lap and snuggles closer to louis. "Louis...i wanted to tell you something"

Louis wraps his arms around his torso, "Yeah, what's it?"

"If i got sentenced to prison or death you'll move on and marry someone else..."

Louis was quite so Harry continues, "To give Rylee a better life, a responsible father-"

Louis sits up and holds Harry's face as he shakes his head, "No Alpha. I love you! No matter what happens i can never stop loving you. I don't want any other alpha to take your place... we'll try our best Harry..."

Harry signs and closes his eyes as louis leans down and presses their forehead together, "Please don't loose hope..."

"God, louis...i don't where I'll be if i didn't had you..." harry says as he holds louis close to him who smiles and softly presses his lips on his.

"I'd still find you harry..."


It after dinner time when harry got a call from liam. He goes to the bedroom to take it, "Hello?" He answers nervously.

"Harry...we found out who sent you that video..."

Harry gulps and sits on bed, "W-who?"

"Your maid Lydia..."


Louis tucks Rylee in bed and kisses her forehead as she yawns cutely. "momma?"

"Hmm?" He keeps a glass of water on the night stand in case she gets thirsty midnight.

"Will you marry Harry?"

Louis stops and frowns as he looks at her, "W-why are you suddenly asking this?"

Rylee looks down and mumbles, "He's just like daddy...he loves me like daddy used..."

Louis smiles and kisses her cheek, "let's see what the times brings...you don't have to worry about anything my pretty girl"

She smiles and grabs his face kissing his cheek, "Good night momma"

"Good night my princess"

Louis pecs her forehead then leaves after turning off the lamp. He goes to the master bedroom and saw Harry sitting on bed looking tensed.

Louis spots the phone next to him so he assumed Liam called. He goes and sits next to him, "What did liam say?"

Harry pushes back his hair as he looks forward, "Before Lydia came in my office to inform me that Evelyn is here... Evelyn gave the video to Lydia!"

Louis' eyes widened, "We have to go and arrest her!" He says.

Harry shakes his head, "Liam said that we cannot arrest her yet. She didn't asked me for anything yet...like no ransom?"

"Yeah there's a point-"

"Why does everyone wants to blackmail me! I didn't do anything to them!" Harry grabs his hair growling and louis rubs his back.

"Bad people don't need any reason harry...stop worrying liam will handle everything, now let's go to sleep"

Harry signs and crawls in bed. Louis lays next to him and pulls up the duvet, he wraps his arms around harry and falls asleep in his arms.


*Next morning*

Harry's phone was ringing making him wake up and he groans rubbing his eyes as he sits up. Louis was still clinging to him snoring softly.

Harry grabs his phone and picks it up without looking at caller ID, "'ello?"

"Hello, is this Mr styles speaking?"

"Yes it is." Harry says frowning.

"Where are Mr styles?"

"Who are you to ask me this!" Harry says as he pushes his hair back and louis wakes from his voice.

"Cop John speaking from your house there is a dead body found in your house!"

"What! W-who's is it!"

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now