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"You're pregnant...with my pups!"

Louis' eyes widened and goes still. How can he be so irresponsible, he should have known that alphas have a high level of scent gland that can smell if their omega is pregnant or not.

No one else can recognise that smell except the alpha who's the father of those pups!

Stupid Louis-

"Answer me!" Harry growls and Louis immediately flinches and looks down, his mind was racing trying to find an excuse.

"I-i-um...f-forgot to take pills...when you came that night-"

"How can you forget it, Louis!" Harry moves back shaking his head in disbelief. "You knew it's important to take the pi-wait-" Harry turns to look at Louis with narrow eyes.

Louis' head was down he wasn't meeting his eyes. "Louis?" He doesn't lift his head until harry grabs his jaw forcing him to.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?"

The way Louis closed his eyes and a tear ran down his cheek, harry got the answer...he moves back staring at Louis with a blank face, "why?"

"What else am I supposed to do! I want you but I can't have you. And if I can't have you...I at least want a piece of you in me... I'll love it way more than I love y-"

Harry shakes his head pulling his hair he groans, "stop! Stop! Stop!" Louis shuts up but tears won't stop running down.

Harry's mind was blank. He doesn't know what to do, all he knows is... it's not his fault!

"It's all your fault...you will deal with this yourself! You just got married to my brother and here I find out I'm the father of your pup-"

"Harry, the night I got engaged to your brother, you were the one that fucked me in my bed...you were the one that kissed me the very first time...you were the one that met me in that bathroom and that's where I asked for one night..." Louis wipes his tears and looks up at harry with confidence that he gained from the blames he doesn't need to have.

"That night was mine and I am responsible for it. I never said you're responsible, I'm not even asking for you to marry me or take the baby... I'm asking for nothing..." Louis says and Harry puts his hands on his hips staring at the omega.

He has to do something so that Louis can finally and happily move on from him...he has to

"Louis...you wanna know something?"

The way Harry's voice tone changes and his eye grew darker as he takes a step toward Louis.


"I never liked you...love was far away. What attracted me towards you...was your sinfully delicious body...you were never more than just an omega to use for me." Each word was said with disgust and hatred. Harry's change in body language and tone makes it hard to believe Louis that he's lying.

"S-stoo Harry-i know you're lying-"

Harry laughs... loudly...Louis looks away feeling pathetic, "please stop!"

"Oh, Louis...such a pathetic omega you are. If I loved you or wanted you I would have said the truth to Timmy already. I know he'll never come between us cause he loves me more than anything Louis... I'm the only one he has!"

Harry smirks when he saw the way louis' face scrunches and his jaw clenched trying hard not to yell or break down, plan's working!

"And guess what?"

Louis looks away when Harry leaned down to be at his eye level, he smirks saying, "My brother matters more than you matter, Louis...I love him more than my desire for your body!"

"Leave Harry! Get out of my face!" Louis yells and harry smirks backing away. Louis wipes his tears away roughly, "you're fucking disgusting!"

Harry shrugs, "it is what it is..." With that, he turns and goes towards the door.


Harry stops but he doesn't turn to face Louis so he continued,

"Do you not care for our pup at all?"

He was silent for a minute or something before he say, "I care for nothing that comes from you, Louis..."

And with that Harry leaves without turning back...maybe he was hiding tears... Or was he?


Louis sniffs and wipes his tears gathering himself. He's so confused, he doesn't know what to believe... Harry's words or actions?

He looks at the wedding ring on his finger, he touches his flat stomach... it's his life now.

The door opens after some time and Timmy walks in with some food. He smiles at Louis and sits next to him.

"Why are your eyes red?" Timmy asks without making eye contact with Louis who was eating the food Timmy bought for him.

Louis swallows the food in his mouth and looks at Timmy, "I...um just felt overwhelmed with everything. You know I'll be...away from my parents-"

"Louis..." Timmy takes his hands in his and kisses them looking at Louis, "you're not going away from them. I'll take you to them every time you want to meet them. They're your parents you're allowed to meet them anytime you want Babe."

Louis smiles and holds Timmy's hands, "You're the best, Timmy... I'm so lucky to have you" that was hard to say but it matters for Timmy a lot.

"I'm so lucky to have you too Louis... My beautiful husband" Timmy hugs Louis who was tense but relaxes without saying a word he hugs Timmy back.

"I love you, Louis..." Timmy says pulling back and cupping louis' cheeks and looking at him.

Louis smiles, but it fails to reach his eyes. He holds Timmy's hands that were on his cheek, looking into his eyes he says,

"I love you too Alpha..."

And then Timmy grins widely, Louis was smiling as he leans in and in a matter of seconds their lips touched into a soft kiss...

And just like that, their new Life starts...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now