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"What! W-who's is it!"

"Evelyn Ashley..."


He hangs up and louis frowns sitting up, "What happened harry?"

"They f-found Evelyn's body in our house..."

Louis' eyes widened, "What-but dra-"

"Drake said he took care of it! Then how..." Harry mumbles as he rubs his face and louis grabs his phone.

"We'll call liam there with us...maybe he'll ve in our favour?"

"Maybe..." Harry mumbles as he gets up and starts getting ready. They have to go back home right now or the cops will get suspicious.


They dropped Rylee at zayn' place and took liam from there. While they were going home liam says, "Harry we have to call drake there as well. He's involved in it too"

"I'm trying to call him but he's not picking up his phone!" Harry says throwing his hands in air and louis rubs his arm,

"Try again Harry-" their car stops infront of their house. Cops cars were already surrounding the house.

Everyone gets off the car and a cop that has a name tag of John comes to them.

"Mr styles you're under arrest for murdering Evelyn Ashley!"

"Wha-" before harry could process anything his hands were handcuffed and Louis goes in between him and the cop.

"You can't take him without any proof!"

John pulls out a transparent packet that a gun in it, "This gun has Mr style' fingerprint on it. Take him to the car" he orders his men and they take harry away who goes without another word.

Louis grabs liam' hand, "Do something!"

Liam looks at John, "Can i have some words with you?" John nods and they both move a bit away from the chaos.

Louis runs towards harry who was in the cops car, "Harry!" He cries as he holds his hand, "Don't worry Harry we will get you out-"

"Louis, louis hear me out" Harry holds louis' hands with his cuffed hands, looking him into his eyes he says "Take care of Rylee abd yourself. Don't worry about me and remember what i said earlier... don't wait for me"

"Harry no-"

And they take him away as louis cries looking at the car drive away. Liam comes to him and wraps his arm around his shoulder, "We'll get him out Louis..."

Louis cries in his chest holding his shirt as all the cars drive away...

This isn't how he expected his life to be...


"Lydia is in police custody and they're looking for drake. Harry is in cell..." Liam informs and louis wipes his tears that just won't stop.

Zayn rubs his back, "What will we do now liam?"

"One of my friend is a lawyer, I've explained him everything he's on his way here."

Zayn nods and hugs louis who hugs him back, "I don't wanna lose him again zayn... I've left him once, i don't wanna let him go once again..."

"You won't lose him louis...not again..."

Ryler was unaware of everything and sleeping in zayn' bedroom.

The door bell rings and liam goes to open in and welcomes his friend inside.

"Hello everyone, I'm Niall Horan!" Niall walks in and shakes hands with zayn and louis.

"I'm louis" louis mumbles and sits straight as the lawyer sits infront of him.

"Now louis..." Niall says looking at louis, "Did harry shoot Evelyn?"

Louis looks away from him and doesn't answer making liam frown, "Louis...you have to tell him the truth!"

"Yes but..."

Niall frowns, "But what?" Liam and zayns looks at louis waiting for the answer. Louis takes a deep breath then looks at Niall.

"It was in self defence..."


Liam knows what louis is doing but he doesn't interrupts and lets louis take the lead of this case.

"Evelyn was forcing Harry to be with her. She went in his house without his permission and started manipulating him. He was blackmailing him for the past days and when he didn't responded to him...she got into his house..."

Niall writes everything down as he keeps on listening, "and then?"

"She bought that gun and pointed at herself and threatened harry to be with her or else she'll kill herself... that's when me and Ryles walked in...when she saw us she pointed the gun at me..." Louis sniffs and wipes his nose as he takes a breath then continues.

"She was saying how bad omega i am and how harry doesn't want me. That's when Harry took the chance and pushes her taking the gun she had. He pointed it at her but she was crazy...she ran towards me to hurt me but harry shoot her...it was to save me and Rylee from that psychopath..."

Niall writes it all down, "Was there anyone else who saw it?"

Louis shakes his head, "Lydia and drake wasn't there...only me and Rylee..."

"Can your daughter say it in the court that she saw Evelyn coming to hurt you and that why harry shoot her?"

Louis gulps and looks him in his eyes, "Yes..."

"Excellent then, this case will be in our favor." Niall says and closes his book and louis breaths out.

"What about Lydia what if she buts in?" Louis asks then liam responses, "Harry's phone is in police custody and they saw that video Lydia sent him... they're investigating about i-"

Liam gets interrupted when his phone rang and he goes to other room to pick it up.

Zayn signs and looks at louis, "Don't worry louis, we will win this case! After all harry is innocent!"

Nial nods, "Yes!"

Louis signs, "Yes... he's innocent...'

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now