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Louis' mood was off since the day his heat ended he's been quite and tried to make himself busy in his room so he'll not have to socialize.

But its the time for his wedding shopping, he was dragged out of his room against his will and here he was looking at all the rings that his mom was showing him with a annoyed face.

"Mom, just pick one yourself i have no idea what to do in these jewelleries!" He leans and looks at the ceiling.

His mother signs and looks at zayn who was standing near by looking at the rings, "Can you make him choose just one ring, I'll be back after making a call."

Zayn nods and then sits next to louis once his mother leaves. "Louis, you have to choose one ring, she won't leave until you choose!"

Louis groans and looks at all the rings, he imagines them in specific fingers that were long and slender and could dp him so much-


Louis snaps out of his thoughts and looks at zayn who was looking somewhere else, he turns to look at what zayn eas looking at and his mouth falls open.



His mom was walking in with both of the alphas, "see Louis, it'll be easy for you to choose now!"

Louis looks down and ruba his forehead mumbling, "it's worse now!" As soon as Harry's Gucci perfume hits his nose he sits up straight and looks forward at Timothy who smiles at him.

"Hey Louis, how are you?"

Louis smiles and nods mumbling, "I'm good, how are you?" Timmy grins as he sits infront of him on the chair.

"I'm good now that I see you pretty!"

Louis blushes and looks down. His mom tells the man that was holding two rings to show them to Harry and Timmy.

"Yeah, pretty" Harry says glancing at Louis who keeps his eyes on the ring. "Do you like them?"

Louis nods not looking up at Timmy, "did you choose the colour ?" Louis looks up at Timmy now and then back at ring noticing now that its a deep shade of forest green.

"Oh-yeah-i mean...it matches your eye colour, i like them!" Louis says and Timmy smiles nodding, "Thank you lou!"

Harry signs as he looks away from louis and Timmy. He doesn't want to feel jealous, he has no right to! But goddammit he's pissed off.

"I'll be back from washroom" Louis mumbles standing up and then immediately leaves towards the washroom door.

Harry pulls out his ohone pretending to get a call when his phone is literally blank!

"Uh, its urgent I'll be back." He says to gis Brother who nods and then gets back to talking with louis' mom.

Harry goes towards the exit door and glances at Timmy, he was busy...he immediately slips into the washroom doors locking it behind him.


Louis was just staring at himself in the mirror when Harry walks in and closes the door behind his back. He closes his eyes taking a deep breath...

"What're you doing here Harry?" He opens his eyes and looks in the mirror at Harry who was right behind him.

Those green eyes full of sorrow, "Louis... I wanna apologize i bragged into your room that day-"

"You already apologized Harry..."

Harry gulps and looks at his hands and signs, "I... I'm so stupid, i shouldn't have ended the things that way..."

Louis turns and looks at him, crossing his arms over his chest he says, "It was supposed to end, one way or other."

Fuck he's right!

Harry looks at him, his hands getting sweaty and heart beat rising as he steps closer to the Omega.

"Do you feel the same?"

That was unexpected and louis was not at all ready for it. He looks away from those gren piercing eyes, "feel what?"

Harry keeps stepping closer to him under he's right infront of him. He keeps his hands on the counter trapping louis between them, "Do you feel the pain too, Omega?"

Louis takes a deep breath abd looks at his feet, not saying anything, Scares to!

"Do you also feel like a part of you is taken away?"

Louis lifts his head and looks into his eyes, Harry takes a sharo breath when he saw tears pooling in louis' eyes.

He feels it...

"Please tell me I'm not only one who's...fallen"

Louis breaks into tears, Harry' heart clenched and his alpha howls in pain...he doesn't like tears in his eyes.

"Please Louis-"

"Yes Harry... I have fallen too. Are you happy now!" Louis snaps and Harry immediately shakes his head he goes to speak but louis beats him with his words again,

"Are you Happy now that your brother can have what he loves! Are you happy after denying your alpha and yourself about your feelings! Are you happy to see me kiss your brother at the alter-"

Harry's lips interrupted him. They both takes eachother into their embrace, tasting the tears in their kiss.

"I'm sorry Omega... I can't do anything... I'm so sorry" Harry whispers keeping his head against louis' forehead. Both of them crying holding eachother tightly like anyone will rip them apart anytime soon.

"W-what should i do Harry..." Louis' voice was so helpless and sad. Harry wants to keeo him in his arms forever and protect him from this cruel world.

"Just go on with what's happening Louis... God is never unfair"

Louis let's his words sink and looks him into eyes saying, "can i ask you for something Harry?"

"Anything Omega..."

"One night... I just want one night Harry...i wanna be yours and want you to be mine only for one night... please?"

"Yes Louis...just one night" Harry nods holding louis' cheeks, stroking his thumb over them.

"One night" Louis nods holding Harry's hands...

One night is all it takes to ruin everything...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now