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*on the wedding day*

Louis takes a deep breath and lifts his head looking into those blue eyes of his. He looks at his perfectly set hair pushed back from his forehead.

He pulls the suit down slightly as he takes in his appearance. No one was in the room, everyone left after getting him ready for his wedding...

 No one was in the room, everyone left after getting him ready for his wedding

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He signs and looks down at the bouquet in his hand. He keeps it aside and sits on the couch. His heart is beating so hard it like he can hear it in his ears.

*Knock knock*

He flinches at the knocking and takes a breath. It must be his dad, to take him down the aisle to his future alpha and husband...

He grabs the bouquet and goes to the door opening it and comes face to face with... Harry

Harry's wide green eyes looked into his first time since the night they spend together.

His breath was taken away when he saw the beautiful omega all ready to get married...to his brother

He looks down at the bouquet then at louis who looks away from him awkwardly.

"Uh...your dad asked to check if you're ready..."


Louis nods and keeps his gaze down as the alpha was staring at him the whole time, "I'm ready..."

Harry nods and bites his lip looking away he runs his hand through his hair. He was wearing a black suit was looking like its his wedding...

"I'll...go tell him"

Louis nods and goes to close the door when Harry stops him. He looks up and saw Harry's hesitating green eyes looking around.

"What happened Harry?"

Harry looks into his eyes and signs, "you look beautiful Omega..."

Louis looks down to hide his smile and the way his lights lit up. "Thank you.. Harry"

"You're welcome Louis..."

"Ready Louis?" Louis turns to look at his father approaching them. He nods and glances towards Harry who looks down.

"You look beautiful, my son." His father hugged him and he smiled saying, "thank you dad... I'm ready..."

"Let's go..."






And he reaches his destination...

"Take care of my son, please..."

"I will Mark, don't worry."

He doesn't lifts his head up until his father gave him one last hug.

He takes a deep breath and then turns to face the priest without looking at Timmy who was smiling widely looking at him.

"You look beautiful my omega"

Louis smiles but doesn't looks at him, he quietly mumbled "you too, Alpha..."

The priest start babbling that he didn't cared to hear. His mind was racing and chanting the same words over and over again...

You still have time...

You can still change your decision louis...

He heard Timmy's voice speak that broke his thoughts...

"I do...with all my heart"

It's his turn now

Everyone was looking at him, he looks at Timmy's smiling face. His hands sweaty feeling like the bouquet could slip out any second.

He lios were shaking, his mind was screaming No...and he suddenly he started feeling dizzy and weak.



He faints...


"He's waking up..."

He frowns and his hand immediately goes to his aching forehead. He blinks his eyes open and was met with those familiar green eyes... not the ones he wishes to see.

"Louis, here drink it." Timmy hands him a glass of water and he takes a sip. He looks around to see that his parents and harry was there too...shit-

"What happened to you?" Timmy asks worriedly and Louis rubs his eyes. "Did you ate breakfa-"

"Uh no i-i didn't felt like eating so i skipped breakfast." Louis mumbles looking down. His parents signed in relief, it was nothing serious.

Timmy signs and rubs louis' hands, "I'll bring you something to eat okay?" Louis nods and timmy leaves.

"I'll see the guests and friends, come down after eating okay ?" His dad asks and he nods. His mom gives him a pat on back saying, "eat enough to dance with your husband eh?"

He smiles and nods. They both left and now it was Louis and... Harry.

Louis keeps his head down noticing now that he wasn't wearing his blazer.

"You lied..."

Louis looks up surprised by the stern voice harry used. "W-what-"

"When i came to get you earlier, i saw the plates of breakfast on the dresser louis. You ate...but you lied about it, why?"

Louis looks away from those piercing green eyes, "i-i um...i was nervous-"

Suddenly Harry started walking to him and he immediately back away. "H-harry what're you doi-"

Harry stands infront of him and leans down towards his neck. Louis grasped the sheets when he felt Harry's nose drags over his neck...shit-he's smelling him!

Louis tries to push him away from Harry groans as he grabs louis' hands and pin them behind him.

Louis' eyes widened when he saw Harry's jaw clenched and eyes dark... he's angry.

"W-what happened-"

"You're pregnant...with my pups!"

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now