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3 weeks later

Louis stuffs his face deeper in his pillow, his thighs were paining so bad...his jaw was paining from how hard he has clenched.

He tries to reach the satisfaction his omega needs but he can't...he can't compare a silicon dildo with a alpha's knot.

He groans loudly and it turned into a screams when he just couldn't reach his high...his heat is getting worse.

This is his first heat alone and he wishes to die rather than spend it own its own. He has no other choice but to do whatever it takes to please himself.

He tries to think about Timmy, his green eyes...sharp jaw, those roman eyebrows...those pretty curls...those bunny teeths...those tattoo...fuck- Timmy doesn't have tattoos!

Louis grunts as he removes the dildo and throws it across the room, he can even fucking smell Harry now- he's going crazy!

"What the hell Louis! It nearly hit me in face!" Louis can even hear him now- wait- Louis turns to face the window and saw Harry getting off it.

His eyes widened and he immediately pulled up the duvet to cover himself even tho its nothing Harry hasn't seen but its been two fucking weeks since he last saw Harry!

Harry finnally looks at him after he finished straightening his clothes. The heat in the phenomenon was prominent between both of them.

Harry clears his throat and tries not to stare at the way sweat is running down Louis' forehead, his collarbone and then disappearing behind the duvet. "I'm sorry i just bragged in like this. I um...wanted to...make sure you're okay..."

Louis stares at him, he trues to control his breathing that increases because of Harry's addictive scent. Thank god his heat is down for some time now.

"Are you fucking crazy!" Louis finally snaps and Harry's eyes widened and he immediately puts his hands up shaking his head and started to defend himself from the things louis was throwing at him.

"You fucking broke up with me and came to see how I'm taking it! And that tho after three fucking weeks and on my heat!"

Harry gulps as his body started to response the way Louis' scent has effect on him. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and says, "i don't know its you heat-"

"Liar! You fucking know everything about me and my whole body!"


"No Louis i just came to see yo-"

"Get out!"

Well Harry didn't expected it to go this way. But he respects Louis' decision of not wanting him here and he leaves by the window he came through.

He jumps on the ground, luckily Louis' room which he spend his heats is on the ground floor. Yes, Harry knew it was louis' first day of heat and he still came to insult himself.

His desperate Alpha wasn't listening to him which made him come here only to get kicked out. "Urg! He's my fucking brother-in-law! I need to get myself together!"

He kicks a tree growling as he continues walking the way to the forest. He has his car parked far away from the mansion so no one would notice his visit.

He looks at the moon and signed as he sits by a lake. Louis loves to play in water, whenever they get time from their dirty work they used to come here and watch stars.

Harry thinks back to what Zayn told him...we speak truth when we admire the moon goddess.

He lays down and puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.

Every night...every single night he tries to convince himself that him and Louis are not meant to be together. They can not be together... He can't break Timmy's heart by stealing his love from him.

Harry thinks back to the time when he last saw his mother...on her death bed holding his hands and making him promise only one thing...

"Promise me Harry... you'll always put him before you. No matter what's the thing is... you'll put him before you and protect him at all costs... that's what elder brother's are for...right?"

"Yes mum... I'll do everything in my power to protect him and give him what he wants...even if it means i have to loss my everything..."

His mother's cold hand touches his wet cheek, his tears ran down like a waterfall never ending to the point Harry's sobs were making his whole body shake.

"God is never unfair..."

Harry opens his eyes when he felt a drop of water fall on his face, he was staring right back at the dark sky covered with stars.

Slowly that one drops increased and turned into pain of cold water droplets that were somehow calming Harry.

He closes his eyes letting the rain wash away his tears... "I miss you mom... I wish you would runs your fingers through my hair and tell me that... it's gonna be fine"

He covers his eye and sobs as he thought of his mother.

"Its not gonna be fine mom...not when I fucking love that Omega only to make him my brother's omega..."

He thinks of his brother, the smile on Timmy's face when he talks about Louis. He says how cute Louis is and how happy he is to be his alpha and marry him soon...

Maybe he did the right thing after all he did exactly what his mother asked him for...

You'll always put him before you...

Louis cries loudly after he cum for the third time since harry left. He sobs as he fists his bed sheets, his knuckles turning white and his jaw clenched... he's angry at himself and his fucking fate!

"I hate you Harry...so fucking much!"

Its not him or his omega, its his frustration speaking. Being with Harry was the only thing he used to look up to when he wakes up but that's the thing taken away from him for his own goods...


𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now