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Harry walks in and sits on the bed away from louis keeping a distance, he looks at Rylee sleeping peacefully in Louis' lap.

"W-what truth?" Louis was scared...his mind was handling too much right now to take in more.

"Louis... Timmy knew about us, about your pregnancy..."

"Stop it Harry, he never mentioned it never did he even mentioned you!" Louis says shaking his head. Harry signs and looks at Rylee before looking back at louis.

"When i left that room on your wedding day. I saw Timmy in the hallway..."


"i care for nothing that come from you louis..."

He closes the door and leans on it, he did it...he fed louis lies to make his life better. There's nothing wrong in lying if it makes someone else's life better.

He sniffs and wipes his tears, when he turns to leave he came face to face with Timmy...

"Timmy...did you h-"

"Yes Harry...i heard everything!" Timmy says shaking his head in disbelief, "i wouldn't have believed it unless I've heard it myself..."

"Timmy, listen to me-"

"I've heard enough!" Timmy' jaw clenched and he steps forward pointing his finger at harry he says, "You...you were the only one i had after mom and dad left Harry...never thought you'd be the one betraying me!"

Harry shakes his head and goes to grab Timmy's arm but he jerks it moving away, "you're disgusting Harry. Don't you dare touch me! You knew how much i love him, you knew it from the start but you still..."

Timmy closes his eyes taking it all in. He takes a breath, "I'm really sorry Timmy. I wanted to end it but it was hard-"

"Harry...do me a favor," Timmy opens his eyes looking at Harry who has tears running down his eyes.


"Leave...leave us alone. And never show me your face again, i don't want to be with someone who used the person i love so much."

Harry shakes his head his eyes widening, "No, Timmy. You're the only one i have-"

"You lost me the day you fucked him behind my back...do me a favor and never show me your face again, not until i die... please" with that Timmy goes in the room and closes the door in Harry's face.

Harry grabs his hair crying...he lost everything...his brother

His love...

*Flashback ends*

"H-he knew..."

Louis looks down at Rylee, he can't believe it. Timmy knew it all from the wedding day but he never mentioned it...

And never treated Rylee or him less...he loved both of them with his all heart.

Louis sobs covering his face and Harry goes to pull him in his...like he used to comfort him with his scent, but he doesn't

He can't...

Rylee wakes up hearing louis' sobs and sits up, "momma?" She looks at Harry who gives her a small smile.

"Hey Ryl-"

"What do you do to my momma?" Rylee hisses and harry shakes his head immediately.

"No, I did nothing!"

"Rylee come here..." Louis wipes his tears away and pulls his daughter close to him. He hugs her tightly kissing her head.

"Momma loves you...so much"

He kisses her head and she stuffs her face in his chest hugging him tightly she murmured, "i love you too momma..."

Harry looks down, he felt like he was intruding their moment so he gets up and leaves.

No louis didn't stopped him...and what did he expected?


*Next morning*

"What! But its only been three days louis, will you be able to live alone-"

"Mom...i can't stay here forever. This isn't my home anymore..." Louis says pushing his breakfast back and forth with his spoon. He doesn't feels like eating.

His mother was feeding Rylee sitting in front of him. He still hasn't seen harry since last night...not that he wishes to.

"Louis..." His mom holds his hand, "This is your home as well, we are your parents louis. You can stay here as long as you want." His mom says but he kept shaking his head.

"No mom, i can't...i wanna go back."

His mom signs. His son is still stubborn and brave, she can never win an argument over him. "Okay Louis...but whenever you need us, we're just a call away okay?"

"Yeah" he nods and drinks his tea looking at Rylee who was pouting.

"Momma I'll miss nona..." He smiles watching her hug his mom. "I'll miss her too sweety"

"Good morning Mrs Tomlinson, louis and this cute little princess..." Harry says and slightly pinches Rylee's cheek who giggles.

He loves kids! They never jeep grudges and never judge you... they're full of joy. He's still ignoring the fact that she's his daughter...his brother raised her...he has no right to claim over her now that his brother is no more.

"Morning Harry."

He gives her a nod and starts his breakfast. Louis keeps his head down looking at his unfinished breakfast.

"Um... I'm leaving for London today-"

"London? Momma i wanna go with uncle Harry!" Rylee says bouncing in her seat. Louis looks at her wide eyes he shakes his head and goes to deny but Harry chuckles and starts speaking.

"You can come with me Rylee and You know i have two dogs!"


𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now